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    How to test your one-rep max | 26 November 2018 -- Presented by

    What your 1RM means for you

    In the simplest terms, your one-rep max is the amount of weight you can lift for one rep on any given lift. Many people think this information is only useful for powerlifters, and while it's definitely important for them, it's still useful to know your ultimate strength as a bodybuilder.

    Why? The one-rep max is important to know not only because is it the ultimate measurement of your strength, but because it can help you optimally build out your training block. Once you know your one-rep max, you can then set accurate percentages for different goals, such as hypertrophy-specific work, strength-specific work, and power-specific work. (6:01)

    Top 10 motivational cycling quotes | 19 November 2018 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network

    We could all use a bit of extra motivation from time to time. Here are Matt's favourite quotes to make you want to get on your bike and ride!

    Remember, your bike won't ride itself! (4:10)

    ISN where sports meets science | 12 November 2018 -- Presented by ISN Malaysia

    A brief overview of Malaysia's National Sports Institute. (4:59)

    How to motivate yourself to get on the bike (updated) | 05 November 2018 -- Presented by Leonard M. Lee

    Sadly, bikes don’t ride themselves. If you need to get the miles in, it sometimes means riding your bike when you would much rather be flopped out on the sofa. Here then, are five tips to help you get motivated. (3:07)

    Emma's 6 core stability exercises for cyclists | Beginner core workout | 29 October 2018 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network

    Emma runs you through six of her favourite and super straightforward core stability exercises. These include the bridge, Superman pose, boat pose, the plank, the side plank and finally the exercise ball hamstring curl. Core strength is super important for cyclists to make you a better all-round rider and reduce any chance of injury. Core strength is especially important when riding out of the saddle, a key skill for every cyclist. (8:09)

    Build strength and power on the bike with hill repeat | 22 October 2018 -- Presented by Troy Jacobson

    Hill repeat workouts on the bike build pedaling skills, leg strength and power. In this video tip, Coach Troy explains how to do a hill repeat workout and gives an example of one you can incorporate into your training routine. (3:06)

    How to calculate your heart rate training zones | 15 October 2018 -- Presented by Leonard M. Lee

    Athletes in all metabolic sports are familiar with training zones, or have at least heard of them. In this video Leonard explains how to calculate the training zones based on maximum heart rate. (4:29)

    6 things that happen when you do planks every day | 08 October 2018 -- Presented by Natural Ways

    Although planking looks easy, it’s anything but! This incredibly popular exercise – which should be part of everyone’s workout routine – can seriously boost your fitness levels.

    The basic plank requires no-equipment, can be done virtually anywhere, engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously and benefits the whole body in a number of ways. (3:32)

    How to become a better climber cycling | 01 October 2018 -- Presented by Leonard M. Lee

    Riding your bike up a climb is one of cycling’s basic skills. That climb can be a hill on one of your local routes or it can be one of the iconic climbs on the tour dr france such as Mt Ventoux or Alpe ‘d Huez. Whatever the hill or mountain, noting puts a smile on our faces more than knowing that we have taken on the gradient and won.

    As we all know, some people climb better than others. Me, for instance, I’m pretty slow but the good news is that however good or bad you are at climbing there are some strategies you can use right now for an immediate improvement. (9:14)

    The benefits of regular riding | 24 September 2018 -- Presented by Leonard M. Lee

    My Lee cycles everyday in a pseudo 'commute' to work. The benefits he gets from daily cycling can be had by almost any type of exercise done frequently and, most importantly, routinely. (3:53)

    Top 10 things not to drink while cycling | 17 September 2018 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network

    The chances are that your favorite off-the-bike tipple might not be so suitable for mid-ride hydration. Matt Stephens and Simon Richardson take you through what NOT to drink while cycling. (4:56)

    Too Fat To Cycle? | 10 September 2018 -- Presented by Leonard M. Lee

    I'll be the first person to admit that I am not your typical, young, skinny road cyclist but does that mean that I shouldn't cycle? (6:25)

    Why fancy sports stadiums are a rip off | 03 September 2018 -- Presented by John Stossel

    Large sport stadium projects are usually sold to the public as economic engines, developing the area or state by hosting big events and brings tourists, fans, and jobs to town. These claims never pan out and, in many cases, the stadium becomes a relic of excess. (4:32)

    The basics of bicycle shifting | 27 August 2018 -- Presented by Gearist

    "Howdy! Thank you for putting this series together. I'm a new cyclist looking to complete my first triathlon in 2015. Do you have any suggestions or tips on how to most efficiently use the gears on my road bike to help with performance? Right now I have one gear that I feel comfortable in and just stay there for my entire rides. I know I'm probably working my legs harder then they need to in spots and not enough in other spots. Help!" (16:02)

    Bob Bowman: The characteristics of champions | 20 August 2018 -- Presented by Chicago Ideas

    As a Hall of Fame Coach, five-time ASCA Coach of the Year and a three-time member of the U.S. Olympic Team, Bob Bowman knows a thing or two about what it truly means to be a champion. As the renowned coach of Michael Phelps' entire swimming career, hear how coaches are able to identify the unique talents of aspiring athletes. (18:13)

    The Attacus coast to coast ride | 13 August 2018 -- Presented by Attacus Cycling

    Follow Attacus boss Emily and riders Esme, Anna and Helena as they journey from Morecambe Bay in Lancashire to Berwick-upon-Tweed in Northumberland - on a two-day, 280km, bikepacking ride that proves anyone can get into adventuring.

    While the idea of adventuring by bike is exciting, for those that don't consider ourselves naturally adventurous, it can be hard to know where to start. This is where the idea of our Coast To Coast ride began. We wanted to create an a ride that helps break down the barriers to adventuring, and show how easy it is for regular cyclists to do, even just over a weekend. (10:38)

    Why we’re fatter than in the 1950s | 06 August 2018 -- Presented by Warren Nash

    We’re in the midst of an obesity crisis, despite being obsessed with diet & clean eating. In the 1950s people were significantly thinner, whilst being less conscious about what they were eating.

    In this mini documentary I explore the differences in calorie intake and expenditure between the 1950s vs today. Is it just about having a more sedentary lifestyle and are we burning the same amount of calories as the slimmer population 50 years ago?

    Either way, it’s obvious our lifestyles have changed and we’re more overweight than ever before. Learn about some of the key factors affecting our diet and lifestyle today. What is the trump factor? (9:15)

    Peter Sagan vs. Grandma Joan | 30 July 2018 -- Presented by Specialized

    After months of trash talking, quad building, 80s montage training in the woods, passive-aggressive tea drinking—it's all come down to this. One hill climb in San Francisco to determine the fastest cyclist on the planet. In this corner, we have Peter Sagan: three-time World Champion, Paris-Roubaix winner, and all around badass. In the opposing corner, we have Grandma Joan: near-centenarian, two knee replacements, pacemaker…and a Specialized Turbo e-bike. Sorry, Peter…the odds aren't looking good for you. (2:52)

    Alpe d'Huez - Cycling inspiration and education | 23 July 2018 -- Presented by The Col Collective

    If the truth be known I owe a lot to the rockstar ascent that is Alpe d’Huez, along with its equally impressive neighbours the Glandon and Galibier. Back in 2003 it was the lure of these legendary peaks that gave me my first real taste of the mountains as I nervously lined up for La Marmotte not really knowing what I was getting myself into. I remember rolling into Bourg d’Oisans and feeling my stomach somersaulting with fearful excitement at the gargantuan size of the mountains surrounding me. You could feel the energy they possessed, like the walls of a Roman amphitheatre staring down at a gladiator about to go into combat. I’ll never forget that moment, eventually carving my way up the 21 bends to the summit of Alpe d’Huez. We’ve come a long way since then but this is, and always will be, where the dream began. Peace. (5:16)

    Leadership styles: Which type of leader are you? | 16 July 2018 -- Presented by Train in a day

    Leadership Styles: Discover the transactional and transformational leadership styles. Video explores the differences in the two leadership styles. Which one are you? (2:49)

    6 mistakes to avoid in your first sportive | 09 July 2018 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network

    Have you got your first sportive coming up? We give you five mistakes to avoid, covering various blunders from starting too fast through to getting totally lost! Watch the full video to make sure you smash your sportive target.

    Signing up to your first sportive is a big step, good work! Now it’s time to focus on how you’re going to achieve your goal at the event, be that clocking a ‘gold’ standard time or even just completing it. We give our top mistakes to avoid at your first event, covering nutrition, navigation and even your personal timekeeping! (5:17)

    Why hosting the Olympics isn't worth it anymore | 02 July 2018 -- Presented by Business Insider

    It's no secret that it's a pricey pain to host the Olympic Games, running billions of dollars above the estimated budget. As the International Olympic Committee receives fewer bids with each problematic games, the future of the tradition is looking unsure. We spoke with Smith College Professor of Economics Andrew Zimbalist on the matter. He should know, he's written about the Olympic issues in Circus Maximus, No Boston Olympics, and Rio 2016. (5:27)

    Which countries REALLY win the Olympics? | 25 June 2018 -- Presented by Musings

    Olympic medal counts don’t really show you which nation was the most successful, because larger countries have a huge advantage. There’s a better way to measure a nation’s Olympic success. Here are numbers from the last 10 Olympics. (6:39)

    How to ride all day: GCN goes bikepacking | 18 June 2018 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network

    Josh Ibbett and Si recently bikepacked the Atlas Mountains in Morocco on their 3T Exploros. They give their top five tips on riding all day, from fueling appropriately to having a strong will power.

    Josh is a long distance expert but Si is newer to this game! Josh passes on his wisdom in this video with his top five tips for managing a long endurance ride. He covers effort, energy, hydration, managing your body and state of mind.

    Let us know what you think is most important to manage a long ride. (6:52)

    Monte Zoncolan (Ovaro) - Cycling Inspiration & Education | 11 June 2018 -- Presented by The Col Collective

    The direct answer to the Vuelta’s a España’s Alto de l’Angliru, it wasn’t until 2003 that the mighty Monte Zoncolan claimed worldwide notoriety when the Giro d’Italia used it for the first time, although on that occasion it was from the “easier” eastern approach from Sutrio. Four years later and it was back with a vengeance as the race unveiled the 10.2km monster, with ramps up to 22%, from Ovaro. Highly regarded as the toughest climb in Europe by the professionals, Gilberto Simoni summed the climb up perfectly, “It’s like a slow execution, the easiest part of the Zoncolan is harder than the most difficult at the Tour”. Go under an hour from start to finish and you’re on serious fire, to put it in perspective on that day Simoni covered the climb in a mind bending 39 minutes (so obviously not quite as slow an execution for ‘Soignor Zoncolan’ as he was nicknamed after winning twice on the mountain) as it is for the rest of us! (6:57)

    Run with us | 04 June 2018 -- Presented by Strava

    Running takes us everywhere – through city streets, on muddy trails, along neighborhood loops and to places we’ve never been. We run short and go long. We do speed work and run hill repeats. Running makes us feel alive. It pushes our limits. Alone or with friends, by running we belong to the same community. (1:54)

    Bikepacking Special With Josh Ibbett | 28 May 2018 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network

    From food planning to what to pack, we put your bikepacking questions to ultra endurance cyclist and bikepacking guru Josh Ibbett.

    What first aid should you take? Do you take casual clothes? How many days in bib shorts and can you avoid saddle sores? Which saddle is best? How do you cook and what food is best to take?

    What are the essentials and what can't you go without?

    If you've ever considered a long bike ride (a tour?) this video can get you pointed in the right direction. (29:44)

    Dr. Jason Fung: To lose weight, you MUST control insulin | 21 May 2018 -- Presented by Quick Talks

    Dr. Jason Fung explains why 'calories in calories out' isn't nearly as important as controlling insulin when it comes to weight loss. (2:40)

    Chris Froome: Road to the Giro | 14 May 2018 -- Presented by Team Sky

    We join Chris Froome as he targets a third Grand Tour title in a row and prepares for the Giro d'Italia. As the big race approaches, Froome and Team Sky headed to the infamous Monte Zoncolan climb for a recon. (9:53)

    Why we ride | 07 May 2018 -- Presented by We Love Cycling

    Our heroines are today’s trailblazers of cycling: Isabelle Beckers, Orla Walsh, and Majka Micherda take us through their worlds. Through mountains in freezing fog, down roads or muddy hills, pushing alone, or racing together, we learn what drives them. At six years old, one little girl already knows.

    Å KODA seeks to motivate female cyclists of all levels and age by this inspirational video, helpful content, smart car design and clever accessories for cyclists. (1:51)

    Top 10 things not to eat while cycling | 30 April 2018 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network

    There's a lot of advice out there about what to eat during cycling, marathoning, training, or just plain fitness activities. This video gives a few good examples of things we probably shouldn't be eating while riding a bike. (5:34)

    Make climbing easier: 8 tips to climb 1000 metres On your mountain bike | 23 April 2018 -- Presented by Global Mountain Bike Network

    Climbing on a bicycle is a skill that's worth practicing and when you're ready for a climb preparation is important. This video shows 8 tips that can make a big climb easier. (4:18)

    The road to Mont-Blanc - 1000km & 21 mountains non-stop | 16 April 2018 -- Presented by Mavic

    We continue our run of great cycling videos. A 1000km non-stop journey across the Dolomites, Eastern Alps and Swiss Alps.

    Exploration is as much about overcoming the unknown challenges of the road ahead as it is about learning of one's own physical and mental capabilities. On August 4th 2014 Mike Cotty faced the longest and hardest ride of his life, a personal challenge to see if it's possible to cycle over 1,000km and 21 mountains non-stop across the Dolomites, Eastern Alps and Swiss Alps from Conegliano, Italy, to Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France. Thunderstorms during the darkest depths of the night, a bitter cold dawn on the Passo dello Stelvio, punishing headwinds and the will to overcome adversity and sleep deprivation from over 50 hours on the bike and 21,250 metres of elevation make this journey an inspiring test of human reserve. (13:32)

    The ride of a thousand cols | 09 April 2018 -- Presented by Rapha Films

    In 2017, Phil Deeker, founder of Rapha Travel’s Cent Cols Challenge, set out to ride 1,000 mountains in 100 days – the equivalent of scaling Mount Everest 50 times. (6:25)

    Gmail Blue: Perhaps the greatest Google product launch ever! | 01 April 2018 -- Presented by Google

    "I can't believe I waited this long for this." You'll think that too after watching this video. Today Google is launching Gmail Blue the most fantastic improvement to Gmail since the invention of the internet (Gmail, as many of you will recall, did not work too well until after the internet was invented). (1:47)

    How fat loss works in your body - the suprising truth | 26 March 2018 -- Presented by Luke Starbuck

    Manipulation of insulin levels in the blood is the key to long-term fat loss. This video explains how the body uses energy and how insulin triggers storage of glucose in muscle and fat cells. (4:46)

    I drank water on an empty stomach for a month and here’s what happened | 19 March 2018 -- Presented by Body Hub

    We all know that we should drink more water and fewer sugary drinks. This video shows the benefits of drinking water. (3:57)

    This is what happens to your body when you walk 5, 30 and 60 minutes | 12 March 2018 -- Presented by Body Hub

    Do you know walking is one of the world's best medicines? It's one of the most overlooked activities that's extremely beneficial to your health. Today, there are so many means of transportation that have taken the place of walking — they allow us to take fewer and fewer steps each day, and that's not good. This video shows the benefits of walking for 5, 30, and 60 minutes. (4:40)

    How to measure height and arm span | 05 March 2018 -- Presented by Hafizi Hassan and Ummu Nadiah

    Mr. Hafizi Hasan and Ms. Ummu Nadiah have remade one of our most popular videos, How to measure height and arm span. This time it is in Bahasa Malaysia though. Take a look and let us know what you think. (3:07)

    How involved should parents be in youth sports training with Peter Vidmar And Wendy Lynne | 26 February 2018 -- Presented by Mental Toughness Trainer

    As a parent, you always want the best youth sports training for your child. But do you often ask yourself where you should draw the line when it comes to your involvement in your youth athlete's sports training?

    Let Olympic gold medalist Peter Vidmar show you How Involved Parents Should Be In Youth Sports Training. (2:23)

    Youth Physical Development Model - Animation | 19 February 2018 -- Presented by UK Coaching

    Sports Coach UK and Sport Scotland have developed an animation detailing the 'Youth Physical Development Model', and what this means for the development of 'Fundamental Movement Skills'.

    The model was developed by Dr Rhodri Lloyd and Dr Jon Oliver of Cardiff Metropolitan University, recognised as two world leading experts in the field, and is based on evidence that shows that participants of both genders are responsive to training throughout childhood and adolescence. Coaches really can make a difference at all stages of development.

    This video brings to life the 'Youth Physical Development Model' by defining each term used and explaining the differences between the male and female versions.

    The Sports Coach UK ‘Fundamentals of Movement’ workshop gives coaches a full understanding of this model and the fundamental skills coaches can include in their coaching sessions. (12:25)

    The most powerful mindset for success | 12 February 2018 -- Presented by Freedom of Thought

    This video discusses why the growth mindset is the most powerful mindset for success. (9:49)

    Slow Jogging: science-based natural running for weigh-loss, health & performance benefits | 05 February 2018 -- Presented by Hiroaki Tanaka

    Tired with constant injuries and the “no pain, no gain” approach? SLOW is the new fast! All you need to know at the beginning of your SLOW JOGGING journey explained by the Japanese running guru, Professor Hiroaki Tanaka himself.

    Who knew that running slow was a 'thing?' This is the running technique USSA Malaysia teaches in the PLKN TOT sessions. PLKN trainers should recognize the main teaching points presented by Dr. Jeff McClung at those sessions. (5:32)

    12 lies you still believe about weight loss | 29 January 2018 -- Presented by Gravity Training Zone

    These are the 12 biggest lies you probably still believe about weight loss. There is no one best way to lose weight, but there are a lot of diet and exercise myths when it comes to fat loss. Discover which diet and workout myths have been debunked. (10:17)

    This girl can - London | 22 January 2018 -- Presented by London Sport

    Promotional video for women's sport participation. (4:20)

    Can you pass UCI's Pro test? | 15 January 2018 -- Presented by Cycling Weekly

    This is a very interesting video about what kind of testing goes into selecting professional cyclists. The test is open to anyone ($$) but it gives you an idea of what pro riders should be capable of. (10:18)

    Women in sport - fueling a lifetime of participation: Animated infographic | 08 January 2018 -- Presented by Women Champions

    84% of adult women don’t participate in sport.

    Canada may be a sport-loving nation, but when it comes to access to sport for Canadian women, it has a long way to go for the win. Canada’s dairy farmers and CAAWS have partnered up to address issues of inequalities through the Fueling Women Champions (FWC) initiative. (1:18)

    Make it count! | 01 January 2018 -- Presented by Casey Neistat

    What a great video to start the new year! (4:37)

    Pandelela Rinong, Atlet Penerjun Negara | 25 December 2017 -- Presented by My Negaraku Malaysia (BM)

    Mewakili Malaysia sebagai atlet penerjun negara tidak pernah menjadi sebahagian daripada perancangan hidup bagi Pandelela Rinong.

    Ramai yang menyangkal Malaysia tidak mampu membawa pulang pingat dari Sukan Olimpik, tetapi Pandelela telah membuktikan sebaliknya dengan usaha keras tanpa henti, serta tidak mengenal erti putus asa - akhirnya membawa pulang kemenangan buat Negara.

    Ikuti kisah pahit manis dan usaha gigih Ratu Penerjun Negara, Pandelela Riong berkongsi kisah bagaimana beliau bertekad untuk meningkatkan prestasi dan kekal komited dalam memasyhurkan nama negara dalam arena sukan renang kategori terjun. (2:01)

    Why I ride | 18 December 2017 -- Presented by VeloVegan

    Yes, another cycling video! If this doesn't make you want to suit up and head out on the road nothing will. (2:45)

    5 mental skills for sports & performance | 11 December 2017 -- Presented by Mental Toughness Trainer

    Building confidence, developing extreme focus, getting that "never-give-up" attitude, becoming aggressive when you need to....these are all mental skills you can learn just like physical skills.

    For the life of me, I don't understand why athletes and other performers totally get it that they have to practice their sport or vocation in order to improve but they somehow think that you are born with natural mental abilities or not.

    You can learn mental toughness just like any physical skill. In this video, are the 5 basic skills that help you play to your potential. (4:43)

    Farah Ann, Puteri Gimnastik Malaysia | 04 December 2017 -- Presented by My Negaraku Malaysia (BM)

    Seawal umur tiga tahun, Farah Ann sudah mula berjinak-jinak dengan sukan gimnastik dan telah berkecimpung di peringkat nasional semasa SUKMA. Beliau mula beraksi untuk pertama kalinya pada peringkat antarabangsa di Delhi, India dalam Sukan Komanwel Delhi 2010, di mana beliau berjaya meraih 12.050 mata dalam acara lantai, 10.500 dalam acara batang titian dan 10.250 dalam acara palang bertingkat. Beliau turut menyumbangkan mata kepada pasukan Malaysia dan telah memenangi tempat keempat dalam acara berkumpulan.

    Selepas Sukan Komanwel, Farah bertanding di Sukan Asia di Gwanju, Korea. Beliau berjaya mara ke pusingan akhir untuk acara lantai dan meraih tempat ketujuh secara keseluruhan.

    Pada tahun 2015, Farah mula bertanding di sukan SEA, di mana beliau bertanding untuk semua acara — palang, batang titian, melombol, acara lantai, secara perseorangan dan berkumpulan — dan berjaya untuk mara ke pusingan akhir untuk semua acara.

    Beliau memenangi pingat emas pertamanya dalam acara berkumpulan dan tempat kedua dalam acara lantai. Beliau kemudian meraih pingat perak untuk acara palang bertingkat dan acara perseorangan. Gimnas Malaysia ini juga berjaya meraih pingat gangsa dalam acara melombol, batang titian, dan juga palang bertingkat, manakala seorang lagi gimnas Malaysia, Tan Ing Yueh pula telah memenangi pingat emas. (1:33)

    Managing athlete development | 27 November 2017 -- Presented by Bill Price

    We talk about athlete development at USSA Malaysia a lot but don't cover the details very often. This video discusses the need for data and good sport association governance as essential tools in creating an athlete development program. (3:10)

    Using intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to create effective coaching environments | 20 November 2017 -- Presented by Bill Price

    Bill Price, Chief Information Officer for USSA Malaysia, discusses intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and how they can be used to help create challenging environments for young athletes. (3:05)

    How to train with a heart rate monitor | 13 November 2017 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network

    Here's a specific guide to using a heart rate monitor for cycle training. You can also pick up a few tips on heart rate training in general. (4:55)

    Lose weight with the 'Choose Water' challenge | 06 November 2017 -- Presented by Bill Price

    Bill Price, Chief Information Officer for USSA Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur explains the 'Choose Water' Challenge. By eliminating sugary and other sweet drinks we cut calories but, more importantly, we reduce the insulin response to sugars thus limiting fat storage. Price notes that by simply not taking sweet drinks weight can be reduced. (3:23)

    How to kill your sugar addiction naturally | 30 October 2017 -- Presented by Dr. Josh Axe

    Yes, we're still on the sugar thing. In this video Dr. Josh Axe talks about how to overcome food cravings and sugar cravings. (7:12)

    I just cycle | 23 October 2017 -- Presented by Paddy Cartwright

    What is it this guy does again? (3:55)

    Prove it | 16 October 2017 -- Presented by STRAVA

    Yes, another STRAVA commercial. We really like these videos! (1:11)

    Winning just by starting | 09 October 2017 -- Presented by STRAVA

    A short video about women who trained to qualify for the United States Olympic marathon trials. (2:49)

    Physical literacy stakeholder insights | 02 October 2017 -- Presented by Australian Sports Commission

    Stakeholders from education, sport and academics provide a personal insight on physical literacy. They discuss what physical literacy means for sport and why physical literacy is important for all Australians. (4:10)

    Positive Coaching Alliance mini-documentary | 25 September 2017 -- Presented by Positive Coaching Alliance

    Mini-Documentary for Positive Coaching Alliance, featuring NFL Hall of Famer and PCA National Advisory Board Member Steve Young. PCA is transforming youth sports so sports can transform youth. Through partnership with more than 1,700 youth sports organizations, leagues, schools and cities nationwide, PCA has conducted 10,000-plus workshops for youth sports coaches, parents, organizational leaders and athletes. This video illustrates the need for PCA, what problems the organization solves and what opportunities for youth PCA creates. (9:08)

    Characteristics of a respected coach | 18 September 2017 -- Presented by VEA Australia - New Zealand

    At some level, most students have been coached in one or more sports. However, all coaches are different. This program looks at the skills a good sports coach is required to possess such as: leadership, management, enthusiasm, and good communication. We examine three different coaching styles: authoritarian, distant yet approachable, friendly. The main characteristics of a respected coach - honesty, integrity, extensive knowledge and high expectations are also discussed. We see how coaching varies for different skill levels, ages and abilities. Students learn that coaches are a powerful influence on our involvement in, and enjoyment of sport. (2:13)

    5 qualities of a great coach | 11 September 2017 -- Presented by My Sports Mentor

    We often think that being a great coach depends mostly on technical knowledge. But there is a lot more to coaching than simply knowing the game. (7:22)

    Coaches and Parents: Specialization (Youth Sports) | 04 September 2017 -- Presented by SportskoolPlus

    Find out why early specialization is a bad idea for young athletes and why participating in a variety of sport activities eventually produces better athletes. (7:57)

    Former Navy SEAL commanders explain why they still wake up at 4:30 a.m. — and why you should, too | 28 August 2017 -- Presented by Business Insider

    Former Navy SEALs and "Extreme Ownership" authors Jocko Willink and Leif Babin talk about the importance of waking up at 4:30 am every single day. (1:45)

    Comes with baggage movie | 21 August 2017 -- Presented by Blackburn Media

    "Comes With Baggage" is a lighthearted history of bicycle travel in the Americas, that makes you want to sell your possessions, quit your job and escape on a bike. Past and current footage, along with interviews of bike pioneers, makers and historians are combined to give a unique perspective on where bicycles can take you, both physically and spiritually. (18:19)

    Can I workout every day? | 14 August 2017 -- Presented by Calesthenic Movement

    This video provides an overview of training parameters (frequency, intensity, etc.) and how they apply to daily sessions. (5:20)

    Improve your mobility: 3 effective mobility routines | 07 August 2017 -- Presented by Calesthenic Movement

    Mobility is an important part of health and fitness, especially as one ages. (4:51)

    Best of Le Tour de France | 31 July 2017 -- Presented by Le Tour de France (FR)

    Highlights and wrap up of the most famous bicycle race in the world. (8:10)

    The 5 most important push up exercises | 24 July 2017 -- Presented by Calesthenic Movement

    Tired of the same old kind of push ups everyday? Give these variations a try. (3:58)

    It takes a nation to raise a champion | 17 July 2017 -- Presented by Kuala Lumpur 2017

    In just a few weeks the 2017 edition of the SEA Games will begin in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia is set to shine! (2:01)

    The perfect pull up - Do it right! | 10 July 2017 -- Presented by Calisthenic Movement

    Learn to do pull ups properly. Great video! (4:31)

    Chris Froome: Ahead of the 2017 Tour de France | 03 July 2017 -- Presented by Cycling Tips

    Can Chris Froome win his fourth Tour de France title? See what Froome has to say about it. (5:59)

    First person to run a marathon without talking about it | 26 June 2017 -- Presented by Above Average (EN)

    She had the guts and determination to not even Instagram it. Is social media taking over your life? Is your social media taking over everyone's else's lives? Find out how Kim managed to run a marathon and then keep her mouth shut about it. (2:40)

    Why it's almost impossible to run a two-hour marathon | 19 June 2017 -- Presented by Wired magazine (EN)

    One of the world's finest distance runners came so close to achieving the greatest feats of athleticism in history: a sub two-hour marathon. To do it, the Eliud Kipchoge should have maintained an average pace of at least 13.1 miles per hour. So, we timed how long WIRED staffers could run at that speed. Needless to say, we didn't last long. Here's why only a handful of people in the world could ever come close to a two-hour marathon. (6:11)

    How to master a recovery ride | 12 June 2017 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network (EN)

    What exactly is a recovery ride, or a recovery day? The gents from Global Cycling Network give us their take on this most enjoyable aspect of athletic training. (5:01)

    Passo dello Stelvio (Prato) - cycling Inspiration & education | 05 June 2017 -- Presented by The Col Collective

    After watching this inspiring video the road to Bukit Fraser will be filled with cyclists! (4:47)

    Speed up. Slow down. A road bike film | 29 May 2017 -- Presented by Gstaad Saanenland

    This video will make you want to hit the road. (3:23)

    Winning the mental battle of physical fitness and obesity | 22 May 2017 -- Presented by Ogie Shaw

    This is a long one but it beautifully describes the problem with getting people to exercise. It's more about our heads than our bodies. (18:31)

    Run, jump, learn! How exercise can transform our schools | 15 May 2017 -- Presented by Dr. John J. Ratey

    Exercise is for the brain! Anyone who has attended USSA Malaysia's Training of Trainers program has heard this before. The example of Naperville, Illinois given by the speaker highlights the benefits of a good physical education program in schools. (10:43)

    Want smarter, healthier kids? Try physical education! | 08 May 2017 -- Presented by Paul Zientarski

    Physical education is losing time in schools around the world. This is a bad trend. (14:10)

    Youth in sport: Keeping kids in the game | 01 May 2017 -- Presented by Hugh McDonald

    Common sense on kids in sports. This video echoes many of the points made in articles by USSA Malaysia. (11:24)

    What to eat before a game | Pre-match meal | 24 April 2017 -- Presented by FourFourTwo

    This video provides a brief look at what we should eat before competing. (3:58)

    Sports nutrition for better athletes | 17 April 2017 -- Presented by Brian Reynolds

    This is a good explanation of protein needs based on different activity levels and types. It differs from the common 1g/kg recommendation that we hear about all the time. (6:42)

    The best one exercise fat burning workout of all time – How to do burpees | 10 April 2017 -- Presented by

    Try it. I dare you. (5:31)

    The last train home | 03 April 2017 -- Presented by Your World Within

    One of the comments on this video called it a mental vitamin. What if we did wake up one day and decide to do things differently? (4:33)

    Transform your life with a bicycle tour | 27 February 2017 -- Presented by Bicycle Touring Pro

    Touring by bicycle is popular amongst a small group of people but for the larger population it's not really their go-to idea for a vacation. But why not? Each year more bicycle tourists are finding Malaysia a great place to ride. East and West coast rides are well known, as are Genting and Cameron Highlands, and the curiously popular and ever challenging Bukit Fraser. (6:42)

    Macrocycle, Mesocycle, and Microcycle | 20 March 2017 -- Presented by Institute Education

    Here's a brief explanation of how macro-, meso, and microcycle training blocks are used in periodization. (1:50)

    What happens if you stop eating sugar? | 13 March 2017 -- Presented by Tech Insider

    According to dietitian Tamara Duker Freuman, MS, RD, CDN, when we cut out sugar out of our diets we can expect some immediate physical changes. (1:38)

    Tabata training | 06 March 2017 -- Presented by Matty Graham

    You've probably heard of Tabata training but are unclear as to what it actually is. This video explains this clever and fun way to increase both aerobic and anaerobic capacity. (5:39)

    How to train your anaerobic threshold | 27 February 2017 -- Presented by Matty Graham

    If you already know what the anaerobic threshold is then this video offers some good tips for how to train this aspect of performance. (8:34)

    Commitment | 20 February 2017 -- Presented by Your World Within

    Just watch it. (3:49)

    Talent in Five: Relative Age Effect (RAE) | 13 February 2017 -- Presented by Sports Coach UK TV

    This video is an excellent explanation of the relative age effects as it occurs in sports. (6:02)

    How to run longer without getting so tired | 06 February 2017 -- Presented by The Run Experience

    This video offers a few tips that you can try when doing long runs that might make the long running experience a little easier. (5:40)

    What makes a good sport coach? | 30 January 2017 -- Presented by Oxford Brookes Health and Life Sciences

    This video looks at some of the things that good sport coaches do aside from the obvious technical instruction. (1:54)

    Emotional intelligence: How to recognise and coach a participant losing interest | 23 January 2017 -- Presented by Connected Coaches

    Learn how emotional intelligence can help coaches improve performance. This video doesn't address sport specifically but the examples given are easily transferred into coaching settings. (5:47)

    5 qualities of a great coach | 16 January 2017 -- Presented by My Sports Mentor

    Great coaches become great because of certain qualities they learn or improve on. This video discusses some of these qualities. (7:22)

    Delivering creative sports coaching sessions to children, young people and adults | 09 January 2017 -- Presented by Connected Coaches

    We talk a lot about coaches creating effective teaching and training environments at USSA Malaysia HQ. This video discusses the same idea with a training specific focus. (2:43)

    Michael Phelps's top 10 rules for success | 02 January 2017 -- Presented by Evan Charmiahael

    Michael Phelps is the most decorated swimmer of all time. If you're still in New Year's resolution mode this video can provide a few tips for achieving goals in 2017. (9:26)

    Just do it!! | 26 December 2016 -- Presented by Shia LaBeouf

    It's a new year and lots of New Year's resolutions will be made and forgotten in the next few days. Many of us have ideas that fall into the 'all talk, no action' category. This video encourages everyone to get out of this 'talking' stage and get on with it, to just do it.

    Many of you have probably already seen this video. When we added it to the USSA Malaysia library it already had almost 20 million views. But the message is one worth paying attention to. (1:04)

    Growth mindset introduction: What it is, how it works, and why it matters | 19 December 2016 -- Presented by Trevor Ragan

    This video provides a good overview of the growth mindset. The effect this mindset has on learning and performance is significant. Development of a growth mindset is essential. (8:25)

    Meet the group | 12 December 2016 -- Presented by Sport Nova Scotia

    A humorous look at parents who are too involved with their children's sport training. (4:06)

    Secrets of elite athletes | 05 December 2016 -- Presented by Ken Dickinson

    This talk was given at a local TEDxSnoIsleLibraries event and produced independently of the TED Conferences. Kenn Dickinson, former basketball athlete and business coach, shares secrets of great athletes which can help anyone.

    Kenn played basketball at the University of Washington and later played professionally in Europe. He understands what successful coaching can achieve both on and off the court. After a marketing career in Norway as well as the U.S., he established Fast Break Business Coaching. His take-home messages to clients: Leadership is about empowerment, not power, and their goal should be to engage others, not influence them. (16:03)

    Life lessons from a 7-thousand-mile bike ride | 28 November 2016 -- Presented by National Geographic

    Jedidiah Jenkins quit his job and decided to bike from Oregon to the southern tip of South America. His best friend, filmmaker Kenny Laubbacher, came along for the ride. This short film follows Jenkins as he shares what he's learned from his journey so far. “When you’re a kid, everything is astonishing. Everything is new, and so your brain is awake and turned on ... Once your brain establishes a routine, it stops ... the alertness goes away,” he says. By choosing adventure Jenkins is able to reactivate his brain and turn his “hundred years on this planet into a thousand. (4:13)

    When you say you're a swimmer | 21 November 2016 -- Presented by Chris Shimojima

    Videos like this are all over YouTube. USSA Malaysia would like to see what some or our own viewers could do with making a video like this. It should be sport or fitness related but this is open territory, be creative! For example, one of our staffers is working on "When you say you like nasi lemak." (1:01)

    "Before we were winners..." | 14 November 2016 -- Presented by USA Swimming

    This video, officially titled "USA Olympians Then and Now," highlights what sport development looks like at the very start. It's not sport yet, it's just an activity: Kids learning to swim but it kills the notion that elite level athletes are somehow born that way. They're not. All elite athletes have unremarkable beginnings. Their initial forays in sport are just like those that the rest of us have. The magic happens somewhere in between with good teachers, coaches, and opportunities that ignite the spark of high performance. (1:00)

    Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger? | 07 November 2016 -- Presented by David Epstein

    When you look at sporting achievements over the last decades, it seems like humans have gotten faster, better and stronger in nearly every way. Yet as David Epstein points out in this delightfully counter-intuitive talk, we might want to lay off the self-congratulation. Many factors are at play in shattering athletic records, and the development of our natural talents is just one of them. (14:53)

    Train ugly manifesto (2) | 31 October 2016 -- Presented by Trevor Ragan

    This is a second video with the Train Ugly Manifesto as its theme. (1:29)

    Top 5 foods to increase athletic performance | 24 October 2016 -- Presented by Dr. Josh Axe

    In this video Dr. Axe shares foods that can increase your athletic performance.

    The top five foods you should be eating will help with hydration, muscle building, recovery, and overall higher energy levels. The top five foods are: coconut oil, chia seeds, quality whey or collagen protein, anti-oxidant rich berries, and coconut water. (3:13)

    Dave Scott and Paul Newsome on swimming stroke technique | 17 October 2016 -- Presented by Dave Scott and Paul Newsome

    What makes a good freestyle stroke technique? Swim Smooth's Paul Newsome discusses some of the finer points with six time Hawaii Ironman winner Dave Scott. (7:45)

    Slowing the rate of aging through training | 10 October 2016 -- Presented by Dave Scott

    Dave Scott shares his thoughts on ways you can try to slow down the rate of aging through training. (3:47)

    Running hills | 03 October 2016 -- Presented by Dave Scott

    Dave Scott shares how running hills will increase your running speed. (4:10)

    Stretching: Harmful or helpful? Sport science: Running | 26 September 2016 -- Presented by TSN Tube

    Stretching is one of the most hotly debated topics in the sport community...and it might also one of the least understood. Some think it's fundamental, others think it's detrimental. The truth is that it can be both. To stretch or not to stretch! Check it out on Knowledge and Performance. For more articles and videos on the science of running visit us at (3:53)

    The sound of footsteps | 19 September 2016 -- Presented by Your World Within

    Working hard keeps us ahead of the footsteps we hear behind us. In any aspect of life there is always movement. We can be moving forward or falling behind. Which way would you rather be going? (4:24)

    Nike: Find your greatness | 12 September 2016 -- Presented by Nike

    Many years ago Nike cooked up the Just do it tagline. It's good advice. Stop thinking that it's too dark or that it's too cold, or that you'll do it later. Just do it.

    Stop waiting for the right time, the right idea, the right people. Just do it.

    Looking for inspiration to get off your butt and start doing something? Try this video. (6:31)

    3 triathlon swimming technique tips: Breathing for freestyle | 05 September 2016 -- Presented by Triathlon Taren

    Triathlon swimming technique, and particularly breathing for freestyle swimming, is a very difficult thing for most beginner triathletes to figure out. These are the three best beginner triathlete freestyle swimming technique tips I learned that allowed me to complete a 27 km marathon swim after not swimming for 20 years. (4:18)

    How to climb faster for free: Tips to improve your cycling technique | 29 August 2016 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network

    You can improve your climbing in two ways. Getting fitter and lighter is the painful way, but comes with guaranteed results. There is another way, though. Work on your technique. By improving your pacing and technique on the bike you'll conserve energy be able to press on as you near the top of the climb. Essentially, you maximize your use of your existing climbing ability by wasting less energy and by distributing your effort evenly over the climb. (3:43)

    Technique: Simple changes that will make you faster! Sport science: Running | 22 August 2016 -- Presented by TSN Tube

    It's not how fast your run -- It's how you run fast. Imagine if there was a way for you to run faster without working harder, to run farther without being fitter. There is a way. Technique, watch the video on Knowledge and Performance. Find more running tips at this website (2:58)

    Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, an animated book review | 15 August 2016 -- Presented by FightMediocrity

    A very brief look at the book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Gladwell is frequently credited with creating the so-called "10,000 hour rule" in this book. However this "rule" originated with Anders Ericsson and his studies of expertise.

    One of the key components of the expertise development process is deliberate practice. For those interested in sport development the concept of deliberate practice plays heavily in any successful athlete development program. (6:41)

    Pandelela Rinong & Cheong Jun Hoong take the silver medal | 10 August 2016 -- Presented by Astro Arena

    Pandelela Rinong & Cheong Jun Hoong takes the silver medal in the Women's 10m Synchronised Platform for Malaysia in the Olympic Games Rio 2016. (8:47)

    5 ways a morning run will change your life | 08 August 2016 -- Presented by Your World Within

    This video uses running to illustrate some interesting and valuable lessons about how we think and that what we think about ourselves is, ultimately, what we become. (5:45)

    RUN | 01 August 2016 -- Presented by Howard Freeman

    An inspirational running video. (3:08)

    The Gold Mine Effect: How to find undervalued talent | 18 July 2016 -- Presented by Rasmus Ankersen

    For six months Rasmus Ankersen ( has travelled around the world to crack the secrets of the world's best performance hotbeds. In this video he explains how you can improve your ability to spot undervalued talent. (11:36)

    Ride with us | 11 July 2016 -- Presented by

    Inspiration to begin and stick with fitness programs is essential to really getting into the fitness lifestyle. Strava is an application that helps all athletes quantify and track fitness activities, goals, and progress. They also make nice videos! (3:24)

    Strive | 07 July 2016 -- Presented by

    A promotional and inspiring video from Strava. Being an athlete is simple. It doesn’t matter how fast you are, how many races you win, or if you even race at all. All that really matters, all you have to do, is just be... Want to be an athlete? Start acting like one. (1:38)

    I am specialized: Le Tour de France | 03 July 2016 -- Presented by Specialized

    This epic event started on 2 July this year and will wrap up three weeks from now. The Tour is is the most well known bicycle race in the world and is amongst the most popular sporting events overall. (5:05)

    Let's Balik Kampung | 02 July 2016 -- Presented by The One Academy

    USSA Malaysia wishes all a Selamat Hari Raya! (0:50)

    Long-term athlete development program | 27 June 2016 -- Presented by Primal Patterns

    A short video that shows youngsters performing fundamental movement skills. This is a good example of the kind of movements that parents can help children learn before school years begin. (1:36)

    Learn about the LTAD stages | 22 June 2016 -- Presented by Kirsten Mulleny

    This video describes the several stages that are part of the long-term athlete development model (LTAD). (6:27)

    Sport dad stereotypes | 19 June 2016 -- Presented by SoccerGrlProbsVids

    A funny way to say Happy Father's Day! (6:52)

    What is LTAD? | 13 June 2016 -- Presented by ProSmart Sports

    Long-term athlete development is the a 7 stage model that is based on over twenty years of sport science research. If we understand each phase with our young athletes, we can enhance their enjoyment of sports and maximize their athletic potential. (1:27)

    The importance of physical literacy | 06 June 2016 -- Presented by Sport for Life

    Why do we need physical literacy? Physical literacy is crucial to maintaining an active lifestyle throughout the lifespan. People who enjoy moving and who feel confident in their movement abilities in a wide variety of situations and environments will keep moving throughout their lives. Physical literacy is a gateway to a healthy, active, injury and disease free life. (2:52)

    Physical Literacy: Robert Bettauer at TEDxPenticton 2012 | 11 May 2016 -- Presented by Robert Bettauer

    Robert is the CEO for the Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence (PISE), Canada's first fully operational sport institute providing community sport and active living development emphasizing principles of long term athlete development, training support to Olympic athletes, coach education, sport oriented diploma/degree programs, and sports research. For TEDxPenticton 2012, Robert will look at physical literacy as a fundamental key to helping create healthy, active living communities and the link to personal enhanced cognitive and emotional development. (16:52)

    Happy Mother's Day | 08 May 2016 -- Presented by Proctor & Gamble

    Here's another one. Happy Mother's Day! (1:32)

    Thank you Mom | 07 May 2016 -- Presented by Proctor & Gamble

    Thank you to mothers all around the world who launched Olympic sport careers. We often credit only coaches with athletic success and forget that athletes are not created in a vacuum, or by coaches. They are nurtured by the countless supporters, parents, grandparents, and friends who provide encouragement for their endeavors. But none more than mothers who are usually the ones who witness the first (unsuccessful) attempts at walking upright and encourage others until we get it right. (2:00)

    PLKN trainee interview with Mr. Vasanthan | 01 May 2016 -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal

    Mr. Izzat interviews Mr. Vasanthan, one of the PLKN trainees who attended the official launching of the Khidmat Negara 2.0 program at KLCC in Kuala Lumpur on 24 April 2016. (2:16)

    PLKN trainee interview with Ms. Tong See Mun | 29 April 2016 -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal

    Mr. Izzat interviews Ms. Tong, one of the PLKN trainees who attended the official launch of the Khidmat Negara 2.0 at KLCC in Kuala Lumpur on 24 April 2016. (1:32)

    PLKN trainee interview with Ms. Nur Shamila binti Abdul Wahab | 27 April 2016 -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal

    Mr. Izzat interviews Ms. Nur Shamila, one of the PLKN trainees who attended the official launching of the Khidmat Negara 2.0 program at KLCC in Kuala Lumpur on 24 April 2016. (1:42)

    How to plank | 15 April 2016 -- Presented by Passion4Profession

    Millions of people contact USSA Malaysia HQ every year asking us how to do a plank. This video will show you how it's done! (1:53)

    The push up | 08 April 2016 -- Presented by Scott Malin

    This video demonstrates the proper way to do a push up. (1:09)

    How to do a lunge | 01 April 2016 -- Presented by Howcast

    This video demonstrates the proper technique for performing a lunge. Notice the step forward, the up and down motion, and the step back. Several variations of the lunge are also demonstrated. (1:25)

    How to do a perfect squat | 25 March 2016 -- Presented by Sapna Vyas Patel

    This video does not use the term spine-in-line but as you can see the proper form is followed. (1:18)

    Physical literacy | 23 February 2016 -- Presented by Mount Royal University

    Think you know what physical literacy is? Take a look at this video. (3:13)

    Sierra Vista Junior High School | 16 February 2016 -- Presented by Designed to Move

    Active kids do better in every possible way. Sierra Vista students and staff prove it with a school culture built around physical activity—all day, every day. PE, sports, play, brain breaks and active learning all work together to help kids reach their potential. It's already showing up in off the charts API scores and way better concentration and attendance. (2:19)

    Best job | 09 February 2016 -- Presented by Proctor & Gamble

    A gem from Proctor & Gamble that was the theme of their London 2012 Olympic sponsorship. (2:02)

    Physical literacy and LTAD explained | 03 February 2016 -- Presented by Dr. Collin Higgs

    This is a brief explanation of physical literacy and the Canadian long-term athlete development model. Dr. Collin Higgs, one of the principals of the Canadian Sport for Life group, is the presenter. (7:08)

    Long term athletic development | 27 January 2016 -- Presented by Locker 27 Team

    Some fundamental and functional movements are demonstrated by young athletes. Sport training for youngsters should be as enjoyable as possible so that the young athletes are motivated to return to training again and again. The organized practice, as shown in this video, is not harmful but should be used only as necessary. Coaches who can incorporate these kinds of movements into normal sport practices will have a better chance of igniting passion in the activity. (3:18)

    How to lose weight through cycling | 20 January 2016 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network

    Here's a short video about how cyclists can achieve their New Year's resolutions on their bicycle. It includes tips on how to ride so that weight loss is maximized. (6:21)

    Why regulate arousal in sport? The inverted-U and zone of optimal functioning | 13 January 2016 -- Presented by Mike Noetel

    An echo from the IDPESC! What role does activation play in sport performance? Why would we want to learn how to regulate arousal? This video explores two theories about arousal and performance: the Inverted-U hypothesis and the Zone of Optimal Function hypothesis, both of which suggest that having an ability to change your own activation has the potential to improve performance. (7:20)

    Muslim women in East London talk about their participation in sport | 06 January 2016 -- Presented by Suzanne Cohen

    These Muslim women in London talk about their participation in sport and fitness activities. (6:54)

    Sport England's development continuum | 02 January 2016 -- Presented by 7Sport

    Sport England's video uses the familiar sport development pyramid to illustrate the process of how a country can produce elite athletic talents. (2:36)

    Chinese diving and talent development | 26 December 2015 -- Presented by Rett Larson

    A brief and musical look at a Chinese diving session. (4:36)

    Talent development in sport | 19 December 2015 -- Presented by Chelsea Berry

    A clever video that briefly outlines how to create talent in youngsters. (3:25)

    The faces of USSA Malaysia | 11 December 2015 -- Presented by USSA Malaysia

    This video doesn't have anything to do with sport, physical literacy, or fitness but we like it anyway because we made it. We wanted to publish it at the end of the year to thank everyone who helps make us USSA Malaysia. (6:08)

    The Talent Code | 25 November 2015 -- Presented by Dan Coyle

    This video is by the author of one of the best books on talent development, TheTalent Code. Dam Coyle gives a few examples of places where talent is not born but rather 'grown.' He describes the concept of deliberate practice (he calls it 'deep' practice) and how it can help upgrade our brains. Skill resides in the brain so any improvement in skill starts there. (4:03)

    Kick It 2015 sizzle video | 18 November 2015 -- Presented by North American Sports Group

    This video shows how shaping the game can be turned into a contest all by itself. By limiting the number of players on a football team to only 3 each player gets more touches and experience playing various positions. Best of all, since it's played on a smaller field, it's action packed and fun for all participants. (3:10)

    Why we think more clearly after exercise | 11 November 2015 -- Presented by Geobeats

    Yes, it's true! Our brains are running in high gear after exercise. This video explains why. Want to remember things better? Want to do better during your next exam cycle? Exercise! (1:20)

    Exercise and the brain | 04 November 2015 -- Presented by Wellcast

    Check out the benefits of exercise on the brain and our mental health. We're all familiar with the physical benefits of exercise but did you realize that exercise is also good for our mind? (4:37)

    LTPD grassroots video | 28 October 2015 -- Presented by Ontario Soccer

    USSA Malaysia supports and encourages all Malaysian sport associations to adopt long-term athlete development (LTAD) practices. This video shows how player development is approached in Ontario, Canada. (5:40)

    Understanding talent | 21 October 2015 -- Presented by SportScotland

    This film was developed by sportscotland to help young athletes understand what 'talent' is and how you can get good at sport - it's more of a choice than you might think. For more information about talent, visit our website - (2:12)

    Another growth mindset video | 14 October 2015 -- Presented by Infobundl

    This video explains how a growth mindset can actually help brains to 'grow' and how we can learn anything we want to. (2:31)

    Growth mindset animation | 07 October 2015 -- Presented by Cameron Linsey

    A short animation explaining the theory of growth and fixed mindsets. This is a tested and effective way of teaching young people what a fixed mindset is and how we can change that. Many of the messages in this video have been taken from the theorist Carol Dweck. (3:50)

    What is the single best drink for your health? | 30 September 2015 -- Presented by Dr. Mike Evans

    You probably already know the answer to this one but this is a fun video that explains the benefits of drinking water. (4:09)

    Let's make our day harder | 23 September 2015 -- Presented by Dr. Mike Evans

    A review of some of the science around how our typical days have shifted with technology and culture and the impact on our health. It is also a call to action about how to "Tweak your Week" and make small changes to improve your health. (4:01)

    HANDS UP | Part 3 - Applying physical & health literacy | 16 September 2015 -- Presented by Ophea Canada

    HANDS UP for Health and Physical Literacy is a three part illustrated video series that will teach children and youth about the importance of physical and health literacy in a fun and engaging way. (3:11)

    HANDS UP | Part 2 - Exploring physical & health literacy | 09 September 2015 -- Presented by Ophea Canada

    HANDS UP for Health and Physical Literacy is a three part illustrated video series that will teach children and youth about the importance of physical and health literacy in a fun and engaging way. (2:59)

    HANDS UP | Part 1 - Introduction to physical & health literacy | 02 September 2015 -- Presented by Ophea Canada

    HANDS UP for Health and Physical Literacy is a three part illustrated video series that will teach children and youth about the importance of physical and health literacy in a fun and engaging way. (3:13)

    Syncing in waters: The story of Malaysia's synchronised swimmer | 26 August 2015 -- Presented by Star Online

    Zylane Lee who recently won gold in the SEA games' duet routine, takes us through her journey as a national synchronized swimmer. (6:00)

    5 extra years | 19 August 2015 -- Presented by Designed to move

    Today's kids are the first generation with a shorter life expectancy than their parents. What would you do with five more years? (1:45)

    Nadia explains why physical literacy is important | 12 August 2015 -- Presented by Nadia

    Watch Nadia explain how important it is for youngsters to develop fundamental movement skills which form the basis for physical literacy. Becoming physically literate is key to not only participating in sport but also a leading a healthy, well-rounded, and long life. (1:27)

    Bicycle playground in action | 05 August 2015 -- Presented by Cyklistforbundet

    Physical literacy and fundamental movement skills also apply to activities such as cycling. In this video Danish children learn how to handle a bicycle in a unique cycling playground. (2:53)

    Play | 22 July 2015 -- Presented by Ryan Hagen

    There's a big difference between play and practice. This video shows what the costs of eliminating play from our children's lives can be. Almost every elite athlete has played multiple sports and not specialized in any one sport before their teenage years. (4:09)

    The physics of swimming | 22 July 2015 -- Presented by Physics World

    This video takes a look at some of the science behind swimming. A brief discussion of why 'super' swim suits were banned a few years ago. (5:16)

    Motivation | 15 July 2015 -- Presented by The death crawl scene from Facing the Giants

    Are we motivated enough to perform to our fullest? (5:36)

    How do bikes stay up? | 08 July 2015 -- Presented by MinutePhysics

    Did you ever wonder how a bicycle actually stays up? This video explains it, sort of. And it's not what you think. With the Tour de France going on now we thought this video would be quite timely. (3:56)

    Carol Dweck: A study on praise and mindsets | 24 June 2015 -- Presented by Trevor Ragan

    If you're not familiar with Dweck's mindset work then the difference between praising intelligence and praising effort may seem a subtle one. This video explains that how we praise others can have a significant effect on how they react to challenges. (4:51)

    Here's to the crazy ones | 24 June 2015 -- Presented by Richard Dreyfuss

    This was the first of Apple's 'Think Different' commercials. Some may think we're crazy to try to change the ecosystem of sport in Malaysia. Our own question is "Are we crazy ENOUGH?" (1:01)

    This is hockey: The American development model overview | 17 June 2015 -- Presented by USA Hockey

    Often when sport development is discussed the idea of 'change' is mentioned without any real thought as to what change means. This video shows what 'change' looks like in one sport. It highlights the thinking behind the changes. If you listen carefully you will sense the courage it took to give up old ideas of development and embrace new ones. (8:43)

    Moonshot thinking | 10 June 2015 -- Presented by Google - Solve for X

    Google's Solve for X is an ambitious and inspirational project. Take a look at this video and see how it may apply to your own personal projects and goals. (3:46)

    TEDx: The coach's role in creating sport talent | 26 May 2015 -- Presented by Bill Price

    Bill Price gave this talk about creating talent at the TEDx conference held at the International School in Kuala Lumpur in October 2014. The presentation briefly outlines only some of the components of a sport development system. (18:22)

    We Get Mail! #7 | 13 May 2015 -- Presented by Aisyaidil binti Hanri

    Aisya tests the pH level of several bottled waters and compares them to filtered tap water. (2:51)

    We Get Mail! #6 | 1 May 2015 -- Presented by USSA Malaysia staffers

    USSA Malaysia is examining the quality of sport opportunities offered in primary and secondary schools. Please help us by taking a few minutes to complete a survey. The survey was sent to 2014, 2013, and 2012 IDPESC students. (1:40)

    We Get Mail! #5 | 14 April 2015 -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal

    Mr. Info explains what the term "pending" means in the student portal. (2:52)

    We Get Mail! #4 | 9 April 2015 -- Presented by Aisyaidil binti Hanri

    Miss Info explains how to verify personal information in the student portal. (5:10)

    We Get Mail! #3 | 30 March 2015 -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal

    Mr. Info demonstrates how to submit an assignment for the 2014 IDPESC program. (5:15)

    We Get Mail! #2 | 23 March 2015 -- Presented by Aisyaidil binti Hanri

    Ms. Info employs some sophisticated mathematics to convert time to seconds. This will come in handy when entering endurance run data. (4:59)

    We Get Mail! #1 | 1 March 2015 -- Presented by Aisyaidil binti Hanri and Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal

    The first episode of We Get Mail! discusses how to build an IC for IPPT test subjects who may not have one, and what to do if a school does not have the required 50 test subjects. (5:58)

    Someplace else | 15 February 2015 -- Presented by USSA Malaysia

    A video tribute to the instructors, coordinators and staff of the 2014 IDPESC program. (6:53)

    Measuring height and wingspan | 15 February 2015 -- Presented by Bill Price

    This video explains how to measure height and wingspan as part of the data collection process for the International Physical Performance Test. (2:08)

    Logging into USSA-MY | 02 January 2015 -- Presented by Vishnuu Prakaesh Sivaprakasam

    This video explains how to login to the USSA-MY website. IDPESC students use their email address as the UserID and the first 7 digits of their NRIC as their initial password. (2:17)

    Saing-saing di pantai timur | 02 January 2015 -- Presented by USSA Malaysia

    This is one of our favorite videos. It is a recap of the 2013 IDPESC class taught in Terengganu, Malaysia. Instructors were Dr. Brian Pruegger, Shane Nipp, and Bill Price. (8:47)

    Most popular

    1. How to test your one-rep max | 26 November 2018 -- Presented by

      What your 1RM means for you

      In the simplest terms, your one-rep max is the amount of weight you can lift for one rep on any given lift. Many people think this information is only useful for powerlifters, and while it's definitely important for them, it's still useful to know your ultimate strength as a bodybuilder.

      Why? The one-rep max is important to know not only because is it the ultimate measurement of your strength, but because it can help you optimally build out your training block. Once you know your one-rep max, you can then set accurate percentages for different goals, such as hypertrophy-specific work, strength-specific work, and power-specific work. (6:01)

    2. Let's Balik Kampung | 02 July 2016 -- Presented by The One Academy

      USSA Malaysia wishes all a Selamat Hari Raya! (0:50)

    3. Farah Ann, Puteri Gimnastik Malaysia | 04 December 2017 -- Presented by My Negaraku Malaysia (BM)

      Seawal umur tiga tahun, Farah Ann sudah mula berjinak-jinak dengan sukan gimnastik dan telah berkecimpung di peringkat nasional semasa SUKMA. Beliau mula beraksi untuk pertama kalinya pada peringkat antarabangsa di Delhi, India dalam Sukan Komanwel Delhi 2010, di mana beliau berjaya meraih 12.050 mata dalam acara lantai, 10.500 dalam acara batang titian dan 10.250 dalam acara palang bertingkat. Beliau turut menyumbangkan mata kepada pasukan Malaysia dan telah memenangi tempat keempat dalam acara berkumpulan.

      Selepas Sukan Komanwel, Farah bertanding di Sukan Asia di Gwanju, Korea. Beliau berjaya mara ke pusingan akhir untuk acara lantai dan meraih tempat ketujuh secara keseluruhan.

      Pada tahun 2015, Farah mula bertanding di sukan SEA, di mana beliau bertanding untuk semua acara — palang, batang titian, melombol, acara lantai, secara perseorangan dan berkumpulan — dan berjaya untuk mara ke pusingan akhir untuk semua acara.

      Beliau memenangi pingat emas pertamanya dalam acara berkumpulan dan tempat kedua dalam acara lantai. Beliau kemudian meraih pingat perak untuk acara palang bertingkat dan acara perseorangan. Gimnas Malaysia ini juga berjaya meraih pingat gangsa dalam acara melombol, batang titian, dan juga palang bertingkat, manakala seorang lagi gimnas Malaysia, Tan Ing Yueh pula telah memenangi pingat emas. (1:33)

    4. PLKN trainee interview with Mr. Vasanthan | 01 May 2016 -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal

      Mr. Izzat interviews Mr. Vasanthan, one of the PLKN trainees who attended the official launching of the Khidmat Negara 2.0 program at KLCC in Kuala Lumpur on 24 April 2016. (2:16)

    5. PLKN trainee interview with Ms. Tong See Mun | 29 April 2016 -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal

      Mr. Izzat interviews Ms. Tong, one of the PLKN trainees who attended the official launch of the Khidmat Negara 2.0 at KLCC in Kuala Lumpur on 24 April 2016. (1:32)

    6. Want smarter, healthier kids? Try physical education! | 08 May 2017 -- Presented by Paul Zientarski

      Physical education is losing time in schools around the world. This is a bad trend. (14:10)

    7. Pandelela Rinong, Atlet Penerjun Negara | 25 December 2017 -- Presented by My Negaraku Malaysia (BM)

      Mewakili Malaysia sebagai atlet penerjun negara tidak pernah menjadi sebahagian daripada perancangan hidup bagi Pandelela Rinong.

      Ramai yang menyangkal Malaysia tidak mampu membawa pulang pingat dari Sukan Olimpik, tetapi Pandelela telah membuktikan sebaliknya dengan usaha keras tanpa henti, serta tidak mengenal erti putus asa - akhirnya membawa pulang kemenangan buat Negara.

      Ikuti kisah pahit manis dan usaha gigih Ratu Penerjun Negara, Pandelela Riong berkongsi kisah bagaimana beliau bertekad untuk meningkatkan prestasi dan kekal komited dalam memasyhurkan nama negara dalam arena sukan renang kategori terjun. (2:01)

    8. PLKN trainee interview with Ms. Nur Shamila binti Abdul Wahab | 27 April 2016 -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal

      Mr. Izzat interviews Ms. Nur Shamila, one of the PLKN trainees who attended the official launching of the Khidmat Negara 2.0 program at KLCC in Kuala Lumpur on 24 April 2016. (1:42)

    9. Muslim women in East London talk about their participation in sport | 06 January 2016 -- Presented by Suzanne Cohen

      These Muslim women in London talk about their participation in sport and fitness activities. (6:54)

    10. Saing-saing di pantai timur | 02 January 2015 -- Presented by USSA Malaysia

      This is one of our favorite videos. It is a recap of the 2013 IDPESC class taught in Terengganu, Malaysia. Instructors were Dr. Brian Pruegger, Shane Nipp, and Bill Price. (8:47)

    How to test your one-rep max | 26 November 2018 -- Presented by )

    What your 1RM means for you

    In the simplest terms, your one-rep max is the amount of weight you can lift for one rep on any given lift. Many people think this information is only useful for powerlifters, and while it's definitely important for them, it's still useful to know your ultimate strength as a bodybuilder.

    Why? The one-rep max is important to know not only because is it the ultimate measurement of your strength, but because it can help you optimally build out your training block. Once you know your one-rep max, you can then set accurate percentages for different goals, such as hypertrophy-specific work, strength-specific work, and power-specific work. (6:01)

    Top 10 motivational cycling quotes | 19 November 2018 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network )

    We could all use a bit of extra motivation from time to time. Here are Matt's favourite quotes to make you want to get on your bike and ride!

    Remember, your bike won't ride itself! (4:10)

    ISN where sports meets science | 12 November 2018 -- Presented by ISN Malaysia )

    A brief overview of Malaysia's National Sports Institute. (4:59)

    How to motivate yourself to get on the bike (updated) | 05 November 2018 -- Presented by Leonard M. Lee )

    Sadly, bikes don’t ride themselves. If you need to get the miles in, it sometimes means riding your bike when you would much rather be flopped out on the sofa. Here then, are five tips to help you get motivated. (3:07)

    Emma's 6 core stability exercises for cyclists | Beginner core workout | 29 October 2018 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network )

    Emma runs you through six of her favourite and super straightforward core stability exercises. These include the bridge, Superman pose, boat pose, the plank, the side plank and finally the exercise ball hamstring curl. Core strength is super important for cyclists to make you a better all-round rider and reduce any chance of injury. Core strength is especially important when riding out of the saddle, a key skill for every cyclist. (8:09)

    Build strength and power on the bike with hill repeat | 22 October 2018 -- Presented by Troy Jacobson )

    Hill repeat workouts on the bike build pedaling skills, leg strength and power. In this video tip, Coach Troy explains how to do a hill repeat workout and gives an example of one you can incorporate into your training routine. (3:06)

    How to calculate your heart rate training zones | 15 October 2018 -- Presented by Leonard M. Lee )

    Athletes in all metabolic sports are familiar with training zones, or have at least heard of them. In this video Leonard explains how to calculate the training zones based on maximum heart rate. (4:29)

    6 things that happen when you do planks every day | 08 October 2018 -- Presented by Natural Ways )

    Although planking looks easy, it’s anything but! This incredibly popular exercise – which should be part of everyone’s workout routine – can seriously boost your fitness levels.

    The basic plank requires no-equipment, can be done virtually anywhere, engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously and benefits the whole body in a number of ways. (3:32)

    How to become a better climber cycling | 01 October 2018 -- Presented by Leonard M. Lee )

    Riding your bike up a climb is one of cycling’s basic skills. That climb can be a hill on one of your local routes or it can be one of the iconic climbs on the tour dr france such as Mt Ventoux or Alpe ‘d Huez. Whatever the hill or mountain, noting puts a smile on our faces more than knowing that we have taken on the gradient and won.

    As we all know, some people climb better than others. Me, for instance, I’m pretty slow but the good news is that however good or bad you are at climbing there are some strategies you can use right now for an immediate improvement. (9:14)

    The benefits of regular riding | 24 September 2018 -- Presented by Leonard M. Lee )

    My Lee cycles everyday in a pseudo 'commute' to work. The benefits he gets from daily cycling can be had by almost any type of exercise done frequently and, most importantly, routinely. (3:53)

    Top 10 things not to drink while cycling | 17 September 2018 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network )

    The chances are that your favorite off-the-bike tipple might not be so suitable for mid-ride hydration. Matt Stephens and Simon Richardson take you through what NOT to drink while cycling. (4:56)

    Too Fat To Cycle? | 10 September 2018 -- Presented by Leonard M. Lee )

    I'll be the first person to admit that I am not your typical, young, skinny road cyclist but does that mean that I shouldn't cycle? (6:25)

    Why fancy sports stadiums are a rip off | 03 September 2018 -- Presented by John Stossel )

    Large sport stadium projects are usually sold to the public as economic engines, developing the area or state by hosting big events and brings tourists, fans, and jobs to town. These claims never pan out and, in many cases, the stadium becomes a relic of excess. (4:32)

    The basics of bicycle shifting | 27 August 2018 -- Presented by Gearist )

    "Howdy! Thank you for putting this series together. I'm a new cyclist looking to complete my first triathlon in 2015. Do you have any suggestions or tips on how to most efficiently use the gears on my road bike to help with performance? Right now I have one gear that I feel comfortable in and just stay there for my entire rides. I know I'm probably working my legs harder then they need to in spots and not enough in other spots. Help!" (16:02)

    Bob Bowman: The characteristics of champions | 20 August 2018 -- Presented by Chicago Ideas )

    As a Hall of Fame Coach, five-time ASCA Coach of the Year and a three-time member of the U.S. Olympic Team, Bob Bowman knows a thing or two about what it truly means to be a champion. As the renowned coach of Michael Phelps' entire swimming career, hear how coaches are able to identify the unique talents of aspiring athletes. (18:13)

    The Attacus coast to coast ride | 13 August 2018 -- Presented by Attacus Cycling )

    Follow Attacus boss Emily and riders Esme, Anna and Helena as they journey from Morecambe Bay in Lancashire to Berwick-upon-Tweed in Northumberland - on a two-day, 280km, bikepacking ride that proves anyone can get into adventuring.

    While the idea of adventuring by bike is exciting, for those that don't consider ourselves naturally adventurous, it can be hard to know where to start. This is where the idea of our Coast To Coast ride began. We wanted to create an a ride that helps break down the barriers to adventuring, and show how easy it is for regular cyclists to do, even just over a weekend. (10:38)

    Why we’re fatter than in the 1950s | 06 August 2018 -- Presented by Warren Nash )

    We’re in the midst of an obesity crisis, despite being obsessed with diet & clean eating. In the 1950s people were significantly thinner, whilst being less conscious about what they were eating.

    In this mini documentary I explore the differences in calorie intake and expenditure between the 1950s vs today. Is it just about having a more sedentary lifestyle and are we burning the same amount of calories as the slimmer population 50 years ago?

    Either way, it’s obvious our lifestyles have changed and we’re more overweight than ever before. Learn about some of the key factors affecting our diet and lifestyle today. What is the trump factor? (9:15)

    Peter Sagan vs. Grandma Joan | 30 July 2018 -- Presented by Specialized )

    After months of trash talking, quad building, 80s montage training in the woods, passive-aggressive tea drinking—it's all come down to this. One hill climb in San Francisco to determine the fastest cyclist on the planet. In this corner, we have Peter Sagan: three-time World Champion, Paris-Roubaix winner, and all around badass. In the opposing corner, we have Grandma Joan: near-centenarian, two knee replacements, pacemaker…and a Specialized Turbo e-bike. Sorry, Peter…the odds aren't looking good for you. (2:52)

    Alpe d'Huez - Cycling inspiration and education | 23 July 2018 -- Presented by The Col Collective )

    If the truth be known I owe a lot to the rockstar ascent that is Alpe d’Huez, along with its equally impressive neighbours the Glandon and Galibier. Back in 2003 it was the lure of these legendary peaks that gave me my first real taste of the mountains as I nervously lined up for La Marmotte not really knowing what I was getting myself into. I remember rolling into Bourg d’Oisans and feeling my stomach somersaulting with fearful excitement at the gargantuan size of the mountains surrounding me. You could feel the energy they possessed, like the walls of a Roman amphitheatre staring down at a gladiator about to go into combat. I’ll never forget that moment, eventually carving my way up the 21 bends to the summit of Alpe d’Huez. We’ve come a long way since then but this is, and always will be, where the dream began. Peace. (5:16)

    Leadership styles: Which type of leader are you? | 16 July 2018 -- Presented by Train in a day )

    Leadership Styles: Discover the transactional and transformational leadership styles. Video explores the differences in the two leadership styles. Which one are you? (2:49)

    6 mistakes to avoid in your first sportive | 09 July 2018 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network )

    Have you got your first sportive coming up? We give you five mistakes to avoid, covering various blunders from starting too fast through to getting totally lost! Watch the full video to make sure you smash your sportive target.

    Signing up to your first sportive is a big step, good work! Now it’s time to focus on how you’re going to achieve your goal at the event, be that clocking a ‘gold’ standard time or even just completing it. We give our top mistakes to avoid at your first event, covering nutrition, navigation and even your personal timekeeping! (5:17)

    Why hosting the Olympics isn't worth it anymore | 02 July 2018 -- Presented by Business Insider )

    It's no secret that it's a pricey pain to host the Olympic Games, running billions of dollars above the estimated budget. As the International Olympic Committee receives fewer bids with each problematic games, the future of the tradition is looking unsure. We spoke with Smith College Professor of Economics Andrew Zimbalist on the matter. He should know, he's written about the Olympic issues in Circus Maximus, No Boston Olympics, and Rio 2016. (5:27)

    Which countries REALLY win the Olympics? | 25 June 2018 -- Presented by Musings )

    Olympic medal counts don’t really show you which nation was the most successful, because larger countries have a huge advantage. There’s a better way to measure a nation’s Olympic success. Here are numbers from the last 10 Olympics. (6:39)

    How to ride all day: GCN goes bikepacking | 18 June 2018 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network )

    Josh Ibbett and Si recently bikepacked the Atlas Mountains in Morocco on their 3T Exploros. They give their top five tips on riding all day, from fueling appropriately to having a strong will power.

    Josh is a long distance expert but Si is newer to this game! Josh passes on his wisdom in this video with his top five tips for managing a long endurance ride. He covers effort, energy, hydration, managing your body and state of mind.

    Let us know what you think is most important to manage a long ride. (6:52)

    Monte Zoncolan (Ovaro) - Cycling Inspiration & Education | 11 June 2018 -- Presented by The Col Collective )

    The direct answer to the Vuelta’s a España’s Alto de l’Angliru, it wasn’t until 2003 that the mighty Monte Zoncolan claimed worldwide notoriety when the Giro d’Italia used it for the first time, although on that occasion it was from the “easier” eastern approach from Sutrio. Four years later and it was back with a vengeance as the race unveiled the 10.2km monster, with ramps up to 22%, from Ovaro. Highly regarded as the toughest climb in Europe by the professionals, Gilberto Simoni summed the climb up perfectly, “It’s like a slow execution, the easiest part of the Zoncolan is harder than the most difficult at the Tour”. Go under an hour from start to finish and you’re on serious fire, to put it in perspective on that day Simoni covered the climb in a mind bending 39 minutes (so obviously not quite as slow an execution for ‘Soignor Zoncolan’ as he was nicknamed after winning twice on the mountain) as it is for the rest of us! (6:57)

    Run with us | 04 June 2018 -- Presented by Strava )

    Running takes us everywhere – through city streets, on muddy trails, along neighborhood loops and to places we’ve never been. We run short and go long. We do speed work and run hill repeats. Running makes us feel alive. It pushes our limits. Alone or with friends, by running we belong to the same community. (1:54)

    Bikepacking Special With Josh Ibbett | 28 May 2018 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network )

    From food planning to what to pack, we put your bikepacking questions to ultra endurance cyclist and bikepacking guru Josh Ibbett.

    What first aid should you take? Do you take casual clothes? How many days in bib shorts and can you avoid saddle sores? Which saddle is best? How do you cook and what food is best to take?

    What are the essentials and what can't you go without?

    If you've ever considered a long bike ride (a tour?) this video can get you pointed in the right direction. (29:44)

    Dr. Jason Fung: To lose weight, you MUST control insulin | 21 May 2018 -- Presented by Quick Talks )

    Dr. Jason Fung explains why 'calories in calories out' isn't nearly as important as controlling insulin when it comes to weight loss. (2:40)

    Chris Froome: Road to the Giro | 14 May 2018 -- Presented by Team Sky )

    We join Chris Froome as he targets a third Grand Tour title in a row and prepares for the Giro d'Italia. As the big race approaches, Froome and Team Sky headed to the infamous Monte Zoncolan climb for a recon. (9:53)

    Why we ride | 07 May 2018 -- Presented by We Love Cycling )

    Our heroines are today’s trailblazers of cycling: Isabelle Beckers, Orla Walsh, and Majka Micherda take us through their worlds. Through mountains in freezing fog, down roads or muddy hills, pushing alone, or racing together, we learn what drives them. At six years old, one little girl already knows.

    Å KODA seeks to motivate female cyclists of all levels and age by this inspirational video, helpful content, smart car design and clever accessories for cyclists. (1:51)

    Top 10 things not to eat while cycling | 30 April 2018 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network )

    There's a lot of advice out there about what to eat during cycling, marathoning, training, or just plain fitness activities. This video gives a few good examples of things we probably shouldn't be eating while riding a bike. (5:34)

    Make climbing easier: 8 tips to climb 1000 metres On your mountain bike | 23 April 2018 -- Presented by Global Mountain Bike Network )

    Climbing on a bicycle is a skill that's worth practicing and when you're ready for a climb preparation is important. This video shows 8 tips that can make a big climb easier. (4:18)

    The road to Mont-Blanc - 1000km & 21 mountains non-stop | 16 April 2018 -- Presented by Mavic )

    We continue our run of great cycling videos. A 1000km non-stop journey across the Dolomites, Eastern Alps and Swiss Alps.

    Exploration is as much about overcoming the unknown challenges of the road ahead as it is about learning of one's own physical and mental capabilities. On August 4th 2014 Mike Cotty faced the longest and hardest ride of his life, a personal challenge to see if it's possible to cycle over 1,000km and 21 mountains non-stop across the Dolomites, Eastern Alps and Swiss Alps from Conegliano, Italy, to Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France. Thunderstorms during the darkest depths of the night, a bitter cold dawn on the Passo dello Stelvio, punishing headwinds and the will to overcome adversity and sleep deprivation from over 50 hours on the bike and 21,250 metres of elevation make this journey an inspiring test of human reserve. (13:32)

    The ride of a thousand cols | 09 April 2018 -- Presented by Rapha Films )

    In 2017, Phil Deeker, founder of Rapha Travel’s Cent Cols Challenge, set out to ride 1,000 mountains in 100 days – the equivalent of scaling Mount Everest 50 times. (6:25)

    Gmail Blue: Perhaps the greatest Google product launch ever! | 01 April 2018 -- Presented by Google )

    "I can't believe I waited this long for this." You'll think that too after watching this video. Today Google is launching Gmail Blue the most fantastic improvement to Gmail since the invention of the internet (Gmail, as many of you will recall, did not work too well until after the internet was invented). (1:47)

    How fat loss works in your body - the suprising truth | 26 March 2018 -- Presented by Luke Starbuck )

    Manipulation of insulin levels in the blood is the key to long-term fat loss. This video explains how the body uses energy and how insulin triggers storage of glucose in muscle and fat cells. (4:46)

    I drank water on an empty stomach for a month and here’s what happened | 19 March 2018 -- Presented by Body Hub )

    We all know that we should drink more water and fewer sugary drinks. This video shows the benefits of drinking water. (3:57)

    This is what happens to your body when you walk 5, 30 and 60 minutes | 12 March 2018 -- Presented by Body Hub )

    Do you know walking is one of the world's best medicines? It's one of the most overlooked activities that's extremely beneficial to your health. Today, there are so many means of transportation that have taken the place of walking — they allow us to take fewer and fewer steps each day, and that's not good. This video shows the benefits of walking for 5, 30, and 60 minutes. (4:40)

    How to measure height and arm span | 05 March 2018 -- Presented by Hafizi Hassan and Ummu Nadiah )

    Mr. Hafizi Hasan and Ms. Ummu Nadiah have remade one of our most popular videos, How to measure height and arm span. This time it is in Bahasa Malaysia though. Take a look and let us know what you think. (3:07)

    How involved should parents be in youth sports training with Peter Vidmar And Wendy Lynne | 26 February 2018 -- Presented by Mental Toughness Trainer )

    As a parent, you always want the best youth sports training for your child. But do you often ask yourself where you should draw the line when it comes to your involvement in your youth athlete's sports training?

    Let Olympic gold medalist Peter Vidmar show you How Involved Parents Should Be In Youth Sports Training. (2:23)

    Youth Physical Development Model - Animation | 19 February 2018 -- Presented by UK Coaching )

    Sports Coach UK and Sport Scotland have developed an animation detailing the 'Youth Physical Development Model', and what this means for the development of 'Fundamental Movement Skills'.

    The model was developed by Dr Rhodri Lloyd and Dr Jon Oliver of Cardiff Metropolitan University, recognised as two world leading experts in the field, and is based on evidence that shows that participants of both genders are responsive to training throughout childhood and adolescence. Coaches really can make a difference at all stages of development.

    This video brings to life the 'Youth Physical Development Model' by defining each term used and explaining the differences between the male and female versions.

    The Sports Coach UK ‘Fundamentals of Movement’ workshop gives coaches a full understanding of this model and the fundamental skills coaches can include in their coaching sessions. (12:25)

    The most powerful mindset for success | 12 February 2018 -- Presented by Freedom of Thought )

    This video discusses why the growth mindset is the most powerful mindset for success. (9:49)

    Slow Jogging: science-based natural running for weigh-loss, health & performance benefits | 05 February 2018 -- Presented by Hiroaki Tanaka )

    Tired with constant injuries and the “no pain, no gain” approach? SLOW is the new fast! All you need to know at the beginning of your SLOW JOGGING journey explained by the Japanese running guru, Professor Hiroaki Tanaka himself.

    Who knew that running slow was a 'thing?' This is the running technique USSA Malaysia teaches in the PLKN TOT sessions. PLKN trainers should recognize the main teaching points presented by Dr. Jeff McClung at those sessions. (5:32)

    12 lies you still believe about weight loss | 29 January 2018 -- Presented by Gravity Training Zone )

    These are the 12 biggest lies you probably still believe about weight loss. There is no one best way to lose weight, but there are a lot of diet and exercise myths when it comes to fat loss. Discover which diet and workout myths have been debunked. (10:17)

    This girl can - London | 22 January 2018 -- Presented by London Sport )

    Promotional video for women's sport participation. (4:20)

    Can you pass UCI's Pro test? | 15 January 2018 -- Presented by Cycling Weekly )

    This is a very interesting video about what kind of testing goes into selecting professional cyclists. The test is open to anyone ($$) but it gives you an idea of what pro riders should be capable of. (10:18)

    Women in sport - fueling a lifetime of participation: Animated infographic | 08 January 2018 -- Presented by Women Champions )

    84% of adult women don’t participate in sport.

    Canada may be a sport-loving nation, but when it comes to access to sport for Canadian women, it has a long way to go for the win. Canada’s dairy farmers and CAAWS have partnered up to address issues of inequalities through the Fueling Women Champions (FWC) initiative. (1:18)

    Make it count! | 01 January 2018 -- Presented by Casey Neistat )

    What a great video to start the new year! (4:37)

    Pandelela Rinong, Atlet Penerjun Negara | 25 December 2017 -- Presented by My Negaraku Malaysia (BM) )

    Mewakili Malaysia sebagai atlet penerjun negara tidak pernah menjadi sebahagian daripada perancangan hidup bagi Pandelela Rinong.

    Ramai yang menyangkal Malaysia tidak mampu membawa pulang pingat dari Sukan Olimpik, tetapi Pandelela telah membuktikan sebaliknya dengan usaha keras tanpa henti, serta tidak mengenal erti putus asa - akhirnya membawa pulang kemenangan buat Negara.

    Ikuti kisah pahit manis dan usaha gigih Ratu Penerjun Negara, Pandelela Riong berkongsi kisah bagaimana beliau bertekad untuk meningkatkan prestasi dan kekal komited dalam memasyhurkan nama negara dalam arena sukan renang kategori terjun. (2:01)

    Why I ride | 18 December 2017 -- Presented by VeloVegan )

    Yes, another cycling video! If this doesn't make you want to suit up and head out on the road nothing will. (2:45)

    5 mental skills for sports & performance | 11 December 2017 -- Presented by Mental Toughness Trainer )

    Building confidence, developing extreme focus, getting that "never-give-up" attitude, becoming aggressive when you need to....these are all mental skills you can learn just like physical skills.

    For the life of me, I don't understand why athletes and other performers totally get it that they have to practice their sport or vocation in order to improve but they somehow think that you are born with natural mental abilities or not.

    You can learn mental toughness just like any physical skill. In this video, are the 5 basic skills that help you play to your potential. (4:43)

    Farah Ann, Puteri Gimnastik Malaysia | 04 December 2017 -- Presented by My Negaraku Malaysia (BM) )

    Seawal umur tiga tahun, Farah Ann sudah mula berjinak-jinak dengan sukan gimnastik dan telah berkecimpung di peringkat nasional semasa SUKMA. Beliau mula beraksi untuk pertama kalinya pada peringkat antarabangsa di Delhi, India dalam Sukan Komanwel Delhi 2010, di mana beliau berjaya meraih 12.050 mata dalam acara lantai, 10.500 dalam acara batang titian dan 10.250 dalam acara palang bertingkat. Beliau turut menyumbangkan mata kepada pasukan Malaysia dan telah memenangi tempat keempat dalam acara berkumpulan.

    Selepas Sukan Komanwel, Farah bertanding di Sukan Asia di Gwanju, Korea. Beliau berjaya mara ke pusingan akhir untuk acara lantai dan meraih tempat ketujuh secara keseluruhan.

    Pada tahun 2015, Farah mula bertanding di sukan SEA, di mana beliau bertanding untuk semua acara — palang, batang titian, melombol, acara lantai, secara perseorangan dan berkumpulan — dan berjaya untuk mara ke pusingan akhir untuk semua acara.

    Beliau memenangi pingat emas pertamanya dalam acara berkumpulan dan tempat kedua dalam acara lantai. Beliau kemudian meraih pingat perak untuk acara palang bertingkat dan acara perseorangan. Gimnas Malaysia ini juga berjaya meraih pingat gangsa dalam acara melombol, batang titian, dan juga palang bertingkat, manakala seorang lagi gimnas Malaysia, Tan Ing Yueh pula telah memenangi pingat emas. (1:33)

    Managing athlete development | 27 November 2017 -- Presented by Bill Price )

    We talk about athlete development at USSA Malaysia a lot but don't cover the details very often. This video discusses the need for data and good sport association governance as essential tools in creating an athlete development program. (3:10)

    Using intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to create effective coaching environments | 20 November 2017 -- Presented by Bill Price )

    Bill Price, Chief Information Officer for USSA Malaysia, discusses intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and how they can be used to help create challenging environments for young athletes. (3:05)

    How to train with a heart rate monitor | 13 November 2017 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network )

    Here's a specific guide to using a heart rate monitor for cycle training. You can also pick up a few tips on heart rate training in general. (4:55)

    Lose weight with the 'Choose Water' challenge | 06 November 2017 -- Presented by Bill Price )

    Bill Price, Chief Information Officer for USSA Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur explains the 'Choose Water' Challenge. By eliminating sugary and other sweet drinks we cut calories but, more importantly, we reduce the insulin response to sugars thus limiting fat storage. Price notes that by simply not taking sweet drinks weight can be reduced. (3:23)

    How to kill your sugar addiction naturally | 30 October 2017 -- Presented by Dr. Josh Axe )

    Yes, we're still on the sugar thing. In this video Dr. Josh Axe talks about how to overcome food cravings and sugar cravings. (7:12)

    I just cycle | 23 October 2017 -- Presented by Paddy Cartwright )

    What is it this guy does again? (3:55)

    Prove it | 16 October 2017 -- Presented by STRAVA )

    Yes, another STRAVA commercial. We really like these videos! (1:11)

    Winning just by starting | 09 October 2017 -- Presented by STRAVA )

    A short video about women who trained to qualify for the United States Olympic marathon trials. (2:49)

    Physical literacy stakeholder insights | 02 October 2017 -- Presented by Australian Sports Commission )

    Stakeholders from education, sport and academics provide a personal insight on physical literacy. They discuss what physical literacy means for sport and why physical literacy is important for all Australians. (4:10)

    Positive Coaching Alliance mini-documentary | 25 September 2017 -- Presented by Positive Coaching Alliance )

    Mini-Documentary for Positive Coaching Alliance, featuring NFL Hall of Famer and PCA National Advisory Board Member Steve Young. PCA is transforming youth sports so sports can transform youth. Through partnership with more than 1,700 youth sports organizations, leagues, schools and cities nationwide, PCA has conducted 10,000-plus workshops for youth sports coaches, parents, organizational leaders and athletes. This video illustrates the need for PCA, what problems the organization solves and what opportunities for youth PCA creates. (9:08)

    Characteristics of a respected coach | 18 September 2017 -- Presented by VEA Australia - New Zealand )

    At some level, most students have been coached in one or more sports. However, all coaches are different. This program looks at the skills a good sports coach is required to possess such as: leadership, management, enthusiasm, and good communication. We examine three different coaching styles: authoritarian, distant yet approachable, friendly. The main characteristics of a respected coach - honesty, integrity, extensive knowledge and high expectations are also discussed. We see how coaching varies for different skill levels, ages and abilities. Students learn that coaches are a powerful influence on our involvement in, and enjoyment of sport. (2:13)

    5 qualities of a great coach | 11 September 2017 -- Presented by My Sports Mentor )

    We often think that being a great coach depends mostly on technical knowledge. But there is a lot more to coaching than simply knowing the game. (7:22)

    Coaches and Parents: Specialization (Youth Sports) | 04 September 2017 -- Presented by SportskoolPlus )

    Find out why early specialization is a bad idea for young athletes and why participating in a variety of sport activities eventually produces better athletes. (7:57)

    Former Navy SEAL commanders explain why they still wake up at 4:30 a.m. — and why you should, too | 28 August 2017 -- Presented by Business Insider )

    Former Navy SEALs and "Extreme Ownership" authors Jocko Willink and Leif Babin talk about the importance of waking up at 4:30 am every single day. (1:45)

    Comes with baggage movie | 21 August 2017 -- Presented by Blackburn Media )

    "Comes With Baggage" is a lighthearted history of bicycle travel in the Americas, that makes you want to sell your possessions, quit your job and escape on a bike. Past and current footage, along with interviews of bike pioneers, makers and historians are combined to give a unique perspective on where bicycles can take you, both physically and spiritually. (18:19)

    Can I workout every day? | 14 August 2017 -- Presented by Calesthenic Movement )

    This video provides an overview of training parameters (frequency, intensity, etc.) and how they apply to daily sessions. (5:20)

    Improve your mobility: 3 effective mobility routines | 07 August 2017 -- Presented by Calesthenic Movement )

    Mobility is an important part of health and fitness, especially as one ages. (4:51)

    Best of Le Tour de France | 31 July 2017 -- Presented by Le Tour de France (FR) )

    Highlights and wrap up of the most famous bicycle race in the world. (8:10)

    The 5 most important push up exercises | 24 July 2017 -- Presented by Calesthenic Movement )

    Tired of the same old kind of push ups everyday? Give these variations a try. (3:58)

    It takes a nation to raise a champion | 17 July 2017 -- Presented by Kuala Lumpur 2017 )

    In just a few weeks the 2017 edition of the SEA Games will begin in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia is set to shine! (2:01)

    The perfect pull up - Do it right! | 10 July 2017 -- Presented by Calisthenic Movement )

    Learn to do pull ups properly. Great video! (4:31)

    Chris Froome: Ahead of the 2017 Tour de France | 03 July 2017 -- Presented by Cycling Tips )

    Can Chris Froome win his fourth Tour de France title? See what Froome has to say about it. (5:59)

    First person to run a marathon without talking about it | 26 June 2017 -- Presented by Above Average (EN) )

    She had the guts and determination to not even Instagram it. Is social media taking over your life? Is your social media taking over everyone's else's lives? Find out how Kim managed to run a marathon and then keep her mouth shut about it. (2:40)

    Why it's almost impossible to run a two-hour marathon | 19 June 2017 -- Presented by Wired magazine (EN) )

    One of the world's finest distance runners came so close to achieving the greatest feats of athleticism in history: a sub two-hour marathon. To do it, the Eliud Kipchoge should have maintained an average pace of at least 13.1 miles per hour. So, we timed how long WIRED staffers could run at that speed. Needless to say, we didn't last long. Here's why only a handful of people in the world could ever come close to a two-hour marathon. (6:11)

    How to master a recovery ride | 12 June 2017 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network (EN) )

    What exactly is a recovery ride, or a recovery day? The gents from Global Cycling Network give us their take on this most enjoyable aspect of athletic training. (5:01)

    Passo dello Stelvio (Prato) - cycling Inspiration & education | 05 June 2017 -- Presented by The Col Collective )

    After watching this inspiring video the road to Bukit Fraser will be filled with cyclists! (4:47)

    Speed up. Slow down. A road bike film | 29 May 2017 -- Presented by Gstaad Saanenland )

    This video will make you want to hit the road. (3:23)

    Winning the mental battle of physical fitness and obesity | 22 May 2017 -- Presented by Ogie Shaw )

    This is a long one but it beautifully describes the problem with getting people to exercise. It's more about our heads than our bodies. (18:31)

    Run, jump, learn! How exercise can transform our schools | 15 May 2017 -- Presented by Dr. John J. Ratey )

    Exercise is for the brain! Anyone who has attended USSA Malaysia's Training of Trainers program has heard this before. The example of Naperville, Illinois given by the speaker highlights the benefits of a good physical education program in schools. (10:43)

    Want smarter, healthier kids? Try physical education! | 08 May 2017 -- Presented by Paul Zientarski )

    Physical education is losing time in schools around the world. This is a bad trend. (14:10)

    Youth in sport: Keeping kids in the game | 01 May 2017 -- Presented by Hugh McDonald )

    Common sense on kids in sports. This video echoes many of the points made in articles by USSA Malaysia. (11:24)

    What to eat before a game | Pre-match meal | 24 April 2017 -- Presented by FourFourTwo )

    This video provides a brief look at what we should eat before competing. (3:58)

    Sports nutrition for better athletes | 17 April 2017 -- Presented by Brian Reynolds )

    This is a good explanation of protein needs based on different activity levels and types. It differs from the common 1g/kg recommendation that we hear about all the time. (6:42)

    The best one exercise fat burning workout of all time – How to do burpees | 10 April 2017 -- Presented by )

    Try it. I dare you. (5:31)

    The last train home | 03 April 2017 -- Presented by Your World Within )

    One of the comments on this video called it a mental vitamin. What if we did wake up one day and decide to do things differently? (4:33)

    Transform your life with a bicycle tour | 27 February 2017 -- Presented by Bicycle Touring Pro )

    Touring by bicycle is popular amongst a small group of people but for the larger population it's not really their go-to idea for a vacation. But why not? Each year more bicycle tourists are finding Malaysia a great place to ride. East and West coast rides are well known, as are Genting and Cameron Highlands, and the curiously popular and ever challenging Bukit Fraser. (6:42)

    Macrocycle, Mesocycle, and Microcycle | 20 March 2017 -- Presented by Institute Education )

    Here's a brief explanation of how macro-, meso, and microcycle training blocks are used in periodization. (1:50)

    What happens if you stop eating sugar? | 13 March 2017 -- Presented by Tech Insider )

    According to dietitian Tamara Duker Freuman, MS, RD, CDN, when we cut out sugar out of our diets we can expect some immediate physical changes. (1:38)

    Tabata training | 06 March 2017 -- Presented by Matty Graham )

    You've probably heard of Tabata training but are unclear as to what it actually is. This video explains this clever and fun way to increase both aerobic and anaerobic capacity. (5:39)

    How to train your anaerobic threshold | 27 February 2017 -- Presented by Matty Graham )

    If you already know what the anaerobic threshold is then this video offers some good tips for how to train this aspect of performance. (8:34)

    Commitment | 20 February 2017 -- Presented by Your World Within )

    Just watch it. (3:49)

    Talent in Five: Relative Age Effect (RAE) | 13 February 2017 -- Presented by Sports Coach UK TV )

    This video is an excellent explanation of the relative age effects as it occurs in sports. (6:02)

    How to run longer without getting so tired | 06 February 2017 -- Presented by The Run Experience )

    This video offers a few tips that you can try when doing long runs that might make the long running experience a little easier. (5:40)

    What makes a good sport coach? | 30 January 2017 -- Presented by Oxford Brookes Health and Life Sciences )

    This video looks at some of the things that good sport coaches do aside from the obvious technical instruction. (1:54)

    Emotional intelligence: How to recognise and coach a participant losing interest | 23 January 2017 -- Presented by Connected Coaches )

    Learn how emotional intelligence can help coaches improve performance. This video doesn't address sport specifically but the examples given are easily transferred into coaching settings. (5:47)

    5 qualities of a great coach | 16 January 2017 -- Presented by My Sports Mentor )

    Great coaches become great because of certain qualities they learn or improve on. This video discusses some of these qualities. (7:22)

    Delivering creative sports coaching sessions to children, young people and adults | 09 January 2017 -- Presented by Connected Coaches )

    We talk a lot about coaches creating effective teaching and training environments at USSA Malaysia HQ. This video discusses the same idea with a training specific focus. (2:43)

    Michael Phelps's top 10 rules for success | 02 January 2017 -- Presented by Evan Charmiahael )

    Michael Phelps is the most decorated swimmer of all time. If you're still in New Year's resolution mode this video can provide a few tips for achieving goals in 2017. (9:26)

    Just do it!! | 26 December 2016 -- Presented by Shia LaBeouf )

    It's a new year and lots of New Year's resolutions will be made and forgotten in the next few days. Many of us have ideas that fall into the 'all talk, no action' category. This video encourages everyone to get out of this 'talking' stage and get on with it, to just do it.

    Many of you have probably already seen this video. When we added it to the USSA Malaysia library it already had almost 20 million views. But the message is one worth paying attention to. (1:04)

    Growth mindset introduction: What it is, how it works, and why it matters | 19 December 2016 -- Presented by Trevor Ragan )

    This video provides a good overview of the growth mindset. The effect this mindset has on learning and performance is significant. Development of a growth mindset is essential. (8:25)

    Meet the group | 12 December 2016 -- Presented by Sport Nova Scotia )

    A humorous look at parents who are too involved with their children's sport training. (4:06)

    Secrets of elite athletes | 05 December 2016 -- Presented by Ken Dickinson )

    This talk was given at a local TEDxSnoIsleLibraries event and produced independently of the TED Conferences. Kenn Dickinson, former basketball athlete and business coach, shares secrets of great athletes which can help anyone.

    Kenn played basketball at the University of Washington and later played professionally in Europe. He understands what successful coaching can achieve both on and off the court. After a marketing career in Norway as well as the U.S., he established Fast Break Business Coaching. His take-home messages to clients: Leadership is about empowerment, not power, and their goal should be to engage others, not influence them. (16:03)

    Life lessons from a 7-thousand-mile bike ride | 28 November 2016 -- Presented by National Geographic )

    Jedidiah Jenkins quit his job and decided to bike from Oregon to the southern tip of South America. His best friend, filmmaker Kenny Laubbacher, came along for the ride. This short film follows Jenkins as he shares what he's learned from his journey so far. “When you’re a kid, everything is astonishing. Everything is new, and so your brain is awake and turned on ... Once your brain establishes a routine, it stops ... the alertness goes away,” he says. By choosing adventure Jenkins is able to reactivate his brain and turn his “hundred years on this planet into a thousand. (4:13)

    When you say you're a swimmer | 21 November 2016 -- Presented by Chris Shimojima )

    Videos like this are all over YouTube. USSA Malaysia would like to see what some or our own viewers could do with making a video like this. It should be sport or fitness related but this is open territory, be creative! For example, one of our staffers is working on "When you say you like nasi lemak." (1:01)

    "Before we were winners..." | 14 November 2016 -- Presented by USA Swimming )

    This video, officially titled "USA Olympians Then and Now," highlights what sport development looks like at the very start. It's not sport yet, it's just an activity: Kids learning to swim but it kills the notion that elite level athletes are somehow born that way. They're not. All elite athletes have unremarkable beginnings. Their initial forays in sport are just like those that the rest of us have. The magic happens somewhere in between with good teachers, coaches, and opportunities that ignite the spark of high performance. (1:00)

    Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger? | 07 November 2016 -- Presented by David Epstein )

    When you look at sporting achievements over the last decades, it seems like humans have gotten faster, better and stronger in nearly every way. Yet as David Epstein points out in this delightfully counter-intuitive talk, we might want to lay off the self-congratulation. Many factors are at play in shattering athletic records, and the development of our natural talents is just one of them. (14:53)

    Train ugly manifesto (2) | 31 October 2016 -- Presented by Trevor Ragan )

    This is a second video with the Train Ugly Manifesto as its theme. (1:29)

    Top 5 foods to increase athletic performance | 24 October 2016 -- Presented by Dr. Josh Axe )

    In this video Dr. Axe shares foods that can increase your athletic performance.

    The top five foods you should be eating will help with hydration, muscle building, recovery, and overall higher energy levels. The top five foods are: coconut oil, chia seeds, quality whey or collagen protein, anti-oxidant rich berries, and coconut water. (3:13)

    Dave Scott and Paul Newsome on swimming stroke technique | 17 October 2016 -- Presented by Dave Scott and Paul Newsome )

    What makes a good freestyle stroke technique? Swim Smooth's Paul Newsome discusses some of the finer points with six time Hawaii Ironman winner Dave Scott. (7:45)

    Slowing the rate of aging through training | 10 October 2016 -- Presented by Dave Scott )

    Dave Scott shares his thoughts on ways you can try to slow down the rate of aging through training. (3:47)

    Running hills | 03 October 2016 -- Presented by Dave Scott )

    Dave Scott shares how running hills will increase your running speed. (4:10)

    Stretching: Harmful or helpful? Sport science: Running | 26 September 2016 -- Presented by TSN Tube )

    Stretching is one of the most hotly debated topics in the sport community...and it might also one of the least understood. Some think it's fundamental, others think it's detrimental. The truth is that it can be both. To stretch or not to stretch! Check it out on Knowledge and Performance. For more articles and videos on the science of running visit us at (3:53)

    The sound of footsteps | 19 September 2016 -- Presented by Your World Within )

    Working hard keeps us ahead of the footsteps we hear behind us. In any aspect of life there is always movement. We can be moving forward or falling behind. Which way would you rather be going? (4:24)

    Nike: Find your greatness | 12 September 2016 -- Presented by Nike )

    Many years ago Nike cooked up the Just do it tagline. It's good advice. Stop thinking that it's too dark or that it's too cold, or that you'll do it later. Just do it.

    Stop waiting for the right time, the right idea, the right people. Just do it.

    Looking for inspiration to get off your butt and start doing something? Try this video. (6:31)

    3 triathlon swimming technique tips: Breathing for freestyle | 05 September 2016 -- Presented by Triathlon Taren )

    Triathlon swimming technique, and particularly breathing for freestyle swimming, is a very difficult thing for most beginner triathletes to figure out. These are the three best beginner triathlete freestyle swimming technique tips I learned that allowed me to complete a 27 km marathon swim after not swimming for 20 years. (4:18)

    How to climb faster for free: Tips to improve your cycling technique | 29 August 2016 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network )

    You can improve your climbing in two ways. Getting fitter and lighter is the painful way, but comes with guaranteed results. There is another way, though. Work on your technique. By improving your pacing and technique on the bike you'll conserve energy be able to press on as you near the top of the climb. Essentially, you maximize your use of your existing climbing ability by wasting less energy and by distributing your effort evenly over the climb. (3:43)

    Technique: Simple changes that will make you faster! Sport science: Running | 22 August 2016 -- Presented by TSN Tube )

    It's not how fast your run -- It's how you run fast. Imagine if there was a way for you to run faster without working harder, to run farther without being fitter. There is a way. Technique, watch the video on Knowledge and Performance. Find more running tips at this website (2:58)

    Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, an animated book review | 15 August 2016 -- Presented by FightMediocrity )

    A very brief look at the book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Gladwell is frequently credited with creating the so-called "10,000 hour rule" in this book. However this "rule" originated with Anders Ericsson and his studies of expertise.

    One of the key components of the expertise development process is deliberate practice. For those interested in sport development the concept of deliberate practice plays heavily in any successful athlete development program. (6:41)

    Pandelela Rinong & Cheong Jun Hoong take the silver medal | 10 August 2016 -- Presented by Astro Arena )

    Pandelela Rinong & Cheong Jun Hoong takes the silver medal in the Women's 10m Synchronised Platform for Malaysia in the Olympic Games Rio 2016. (8:47)

    5 ways a morning run will change your life | 08 August 2016 -- Presented by Your World Within )

    This video uses running to illustrate some interesting and valuable lessons about how we think and that what we think about ourselves is, ultimately, what we become. (5:45)

    RUN | 01 August 2016 -- Presented by Howard Freeman )

    An inspirational running video. (3:08)

    The Gold Mine Effect: How to find undervalued talent | 18 July 2016 -- Presented by Rasmus Ankersen )

    For six months Rasmus Ankersen ( has travelled around the world to crack the secrets of the world's best performance hotbeds. In this video he explains how you can improve your ability to spot undervalued talent. (11:36)

    Ride with us | 11 July 2016 -- Presented by )

    Inspiration to begin and stick with fitness programs is essential to really getting into the fitness lifestyle. Strava is an application that helps all athletes quantify and track fitness activities, goals, and progress. They also make nice videos! (3:24)

    Strive | 07 July 2016 -- Presented by )

    A promotional and inspiring video from Strava. Being an athlete is simple. It doesn’t matter how fast you are, how many races you win, or if you even race at all. All that really matters, all you have to do, is just be... Want to be an athlete? Start acting like one. (1:38)

    I am specialized: Le Tour de France | 03 July 2016 -- Presented by Specialized )

    This epic event started on 2 July this year and will wrap up three weeks from now. The Tour is is the most well known bicycle race in the world and is amongst the most popular sporting events overall. (5:05)

    Let's Balik Kampung | 02 July 2016 -- Presented by The One Academy )

    USSA Malaysia wishes all a Selamat Hari Raya! (0:50)

    Long-term athlete development program | 27 June 2016 -- Presented by Primal Patterns )

    A short video that shows youngsters performing fundamental movement skills. This is a good example of the kind of movements that parents can help children learn before school years begin. (1:36)

    Learn about the LTAD stages | 22 June 2016 -- Presented by Kirsten Mulleny )

    This video describes the several stages that are part of the long-term athlete development model (LTAD). (6:27)

    Sport dad stereotypes | 19 June 2016 -- Presented by SoccerGrlProbsVids )

    A funny way to say Happy Father's Day! (6:52)

    What is LTAD? | 13 June 2016 -- Presented by ProSmart Sports )

    Long-term athlete development is the a 7 stage model that is based on over twenty years of sport science research. If we understand each phase with our young athletes, we can enhance their enjoyment of sports and maximize their athletic potential. (1:27)

    The importance of physical literacy | 06 June 2016 -- Presented by Sport for Life )

    Why do we need physical literacy? Physical literacy is crucial to maintaining an active lifestyle throughout the lifespan. People who enjoy moving and who feel confident in their movement abilities in a wide variety of situations and environments will keep moving throughout their lives. Physical literacy is a gateway to a healthy, active, injury and disease free life. (2:52)

    Physical Literacy: Robert Bettauer at TEDxPenticton 2012 | 11 May 2016 -- Presented by Robert Bettauer )

    Robert is the CEO for the Pacific Institute for Sport Excellence (PISE), Canada's first fully operational sport institute providing community sport and active living development emphasizing principles of long term athlete development, training support to Olympic athletes, coach education, sport oriented diploma/degree programs, and sports research. For TEDxPenticton 2012, Robert will look at physical literacy as a fundamental key to helping create healthy, active living communities and the link to personal enhanced cognitive and emotional development. (16:52)

    Happy Mother's Day | 08 May 2016 -- Presented by Proctor & Gamble )

    Here's another one. Happy Mother's Day! (1:32)

    Thank you Mom | 07 May 2016 -- Presented by Proctor & Gamble )

    Thank you to mothers all around the world who launched Olympic sport careers. We often credit only coaches with athletic success and forget that athletes are not created in a vacuum, or by coaches. They are nurtured by the countless supporters, parents, grandparents, and friends who provide encouragement for their endeavors. But none more than mothers who are usually the ones who witness the first (unsuccessful) attempts at walking upright and encourage others until we get it right. (2:00)

    PLKN trainee interview with Mr. Vasanthan | 01 May 2016 -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal )

    Mr. Izzat interviews Mr. Vasanthan, one of the PLKN trainees who attended the official launching of the Khidmat Negara 2.0 program at KLCC in Kuala Lumpur on 24 April 2016. (2:16)

    PLKN trainee interview with Ms. Tong See Mun | 29 April 2016 -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal )

    Mr. Izzat interviews Ms. Tong, one of the PLKN trainees who attended the official launch of the Khidmat Negara 2.0 at KLCC in Kuala Lumpur on 24 April 2016. (1:32)

    PLKN trainee interview with Ms. Nur Shamila binti Abdul Wahab | 27 April 2016 -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal )

    Mr. Izzat interviews Ms. Nur Shamila, one of the PLKN trainees who attended the official launching of the Khidmat Negara 2.0 program at KLCC in Kuala Lumpur on 24 April 2016. (1:42)

    How to plank | 15 April 2016 -- Presented by Passion4Profession )

    Millions of people contact USSA Malaysia HQ every year asking us how to do a plank. This video will show you how it's done! (1:53)

    The push up | 08 April 2016 -- Presented by Scott Malin )

    This video demonstrates the proper way to do a push up. (1:09)

    How to do a lunge | 01 April 2016 -- Presented by Howcast )

    This video demonstrates the proper technique for performing a lunge. Notice the step forward, the up and down motion, and the step back. Several variations of the lunge are also demonstrated. (1:25)

    How to do a perfect squat | 25 March 2016 -- Presented by Sapna Vyas Patel )

    This video does not use the term spine-in-line but as you can see the proper form is followed. (1:18)

    Physical literacy | 23 February 2016 -- Presented by Mount Royal University )

    Think you know what physical literacy is? Take a look at this video. (3:13)

    Sierra Vista Junior High School | 16 February 2016 -- Presented by Designed to Move )

    Active kids do better in every possible way. Sierra Vista students and staff prove it with a school culture built around physical activity—all day, every day. PE, sports, play, brain breaks and active learning all work together to help kids reach their potential. It's already showing up in off the charts API scores and way better concentration and attendance. (2:19)

    Best job | 09 February 2016 -- Presented by Proctor & Gamble )

    A gem from Proctor & Gamble that was the theme of their London 2012 Olympic sponsorship. (2:02)

    Physical literacy and LTAD explained | 03 February 2016 -- Presented by Dr. Collin Higgs )

    This is a brief explanation of physical literacy and the Canadian long-term athlete development model. Dr. Collin Higgs, one of the principals of the Canadian Sport for Life group, is the presenter. (7:08)

    Long term athletic development | 27 January 2016 -- Presented by Locker 27 Team )

    Some fundamental and functional movements are demonstrated by young athletes. Sport training for youngsters should be as enjoyable as possible so that the young athletes are motivated to return to training again and again. The organized practice, as shown in this video, is not harmful but should be used only as necessary. Coaches who can incorporate these kinds of movements into normal sport practices will have a better chance of igniting passion in the activity. (3:18)

    How to lose weight through cycling | 20 January 2016 -- Presented by Global Cycling Network )

    Here's a short video about how cyclists can achieve their New Year's resolutions on their bicycle. It includes tips on how to ride so that weight loss is maximized. (6:21)

    Why regulate arousal in sport? The inverted-U and zone of optimal functioning | 13 January 2016 -- Presented by Mike Noetel )

    An echo from the IDPESC! What role does activation play in sport performance? Why would we want to learn how to regulate arousal? This video explores two theories about arousal and performance: the Inverted-U hypothesis and the Zone of Optimal Function hypothesis, both of which suggest that having an ability to change your own activation has the potential to improve performance. (7:20)

    Muslim women in East London talk about their participation in sport | 06 January 2016 -- Presented by Suzanne Cohen )

    These Muslim women in London talk about their participation in sport and fitness activities. (6:54)

    Sport England's development continuum | 02 January 2016 -- Presented by 7Sport )

    Sport England's video uses the familiar sport development pyramid to illustrate the process of how a country can produce elite athletic talents. (2:36)

    Chinese diving and talent development | 26 December 2015 -- Presented by Rett Larson )

    A brief and musical look at a Chinese diving session. (4:36)

    Talent development in sport | 19 December 2015 -- Presented by Chelsea Berry )

    A clever video that briefly outlines how to create talent in youngsters. (3:25)

    The faces of USSA Malaysia | 11 December 2015 -- Presented by USSA Malaysia )

    This video doesn't have anything to do with sport, physical literacy, or fitness but we like it anyway because we made it. We wanted to publish it at the end of the year to thank everyone who helps make us USSA Malaysia. (6:08)

    The Talent Code | 25 November 2015 -- Presented by Dan Coyle )

    This video is by the author of one of the best books on talent development, TheTalent Code. Dam Coyle gives a few examples of places where talent is not born but rather 'grown.' He describes the concept of deliberate practice (he calls it 'deep' practice) and how it can help upgrade our brains. Skill resides in the brain so any improvement in skill starts there. (4:03)

    Kick It 2015 sizzle video | 18 November 2015 -- Presented by North American Sports Group )

    This video shows how shaping the game can be turned into a contest all by itself. By limiting the number of players on a football team to only 3 each player gets more touches and experience playing various positions. Best of all, since it's played on a smaller field, it's action packed and fun for all participants. (3:10)

    Why we think more clearly after exercise | 11 November 2015 -- Presented by Geobeats )

    Yes, it's true! Our brains are running in high gear after exercise. This video explains why. Want to remember things better? Want to do better during your next exam cycle? Exercise! (1:20)

    Exercise and the brain | 04 November 2015 -- Presented by Wellcast )

    Check out the benefits of exercise on the brain and our mental health. We're all familiar with the physical benefits of exercise but did you realize that exercise is also good for our mind? (4:37)

    LTPD grassroots video | 28 October 2015 -- Presented by Ontario Soccer )

    USSA Malaysia supports and encourages all Malaysian sport associations to adopt long-term athlete development (LTAD) practices. This video shows how player development is approached in Ontario, Canada. (5:40)

    Understanding talent | 21 October 2015 -- Presented by SportScotland )

    This film was developed by sportscotland to help young athletes understand what 'talent' is and how you can get good at sport - it's more of a choice than you might think. For more information about talent, visit our website - (2:12)

    Another growth mindset video | 14 October 2015 -- Presented by Infobundl )

    This video explains how a growth mindset can actually help brains to 'grow' and how we can learn anything we want to. (2:31)

    Growth mindset animation | 07 October 2015 -- Presented by Cameron Linsey )

    A short animation explaining the theory of growth and fixed mindsets. This is a tested and effective way of teaching young people what a fixed mindset is and how we can change that. Many of the messages in this video have been taken from the theorist Carol Dweck. (3:50)

    What is the single best drink for your health? | 30 September 2015 -- Presented by Dr. Mike Evans )

    You probably already know the answer to this one but this is a fun video that explains the benefits of drinking water. (4:09)

    Let's make our day harder | 23 September 2015 -- Presented by Dr. Mike Evans )

    A review of some of the science around how our typical days have shifted with technology and culture and the impact on our health. It is also a call to action about how to "Tweak your Week" and make small changes to improve your health. (4:01)

    HANDS UP | Part 3 - Applying physical & health literacy | 16 September 2015 -- Presented by Ophea Canada )

    HANDS UP for Health and Physical Literacy is a three part illustrated video series that will teach children and youth about the importance of physical and health literacy in a fun and engaging way. (3:11)

    HANDS UP | Part 2 - Exploring physical & health literacy | 09 September 2015 -- Presented by Ophea Canada )

    HANDS UP for Health and Physical Literacy is a three part illustrated video series that will teach children and youth about the importance of physical and health literacy in a fun and engaging way. (2:59)

    HANDS UP | Part 1 - Introduction to physical & health literacy | 02 September 2015 -- Presented by Ophea Canada )

    HANDS UP for Health and Physical Literacy is a three part illustrated video series that will teach children and youth about the importance of physical and health literacy in a fun and engaging way. (3:13)

    Syncing in waters: The story of Malaysia's synchronised swimmer | 26 August 2015 -- Presented by Star Online )

    Zylane Lee who recently won gold in the SEA games' duet routine, takes us through her journey as a national synchronized swimmer. (6:00)

    5 extra years | 19 August 2015 -- Presented by Designed to move )

    Today's kids are the first generation with a shorter life expectancy than their parents. What would you do with five more years? (1:45)

    Nadia explains why physical literacy is important | 12 August 2015 -- Presented by Nadia )

    Watch Nadia explain how important it is for youngsters to develop fundamental movement skills which form the basis for physical literacy. Becoming physically literate is key to not only participating in sport but also a leading a healthy, well-rounded, and long life. (1:27)

    Bicycle playground in action | 05 August 2015 -- Presented by Cyklistforbundet )

    Physical literacy and fundamental movement skills also apply to activities such as cycling. In this video Danish children learn how to handle a bicycle in a unique cycling playground. (2:53)

    Play | 22 July 2015 -- Presented by Ryan Hagen )

    There's a big difference between play and practice. This video shows what the costs of eliminating play from our children's lives can be. Almost every elite athlete has played multiple sports and not specialized in any one sport before their teenage years. (4:09)

    The physics of swimming | 22 July 2015 -- Presented by Physics World )

    This video takes a look at some of the science behind swimming. A brief discussion of why 'super' swim suits were banned a few years ago. (5:16)

    Motivation | 15 July 2015 -- Presented by The death crawl scene from Facing the Giants )

    Are we motivated enough to perform to our fullest? (5:36)

    How do bikes stay up? | 08 July 2015 -- Presented by MinutePhysics )

    Did you ever wonder how a bicycle actually stays up? This video explains it, sort of. And it's not what you think. With the Tour de France going on now we thought this video would be quite timely. (3:56)

    Carol Dweck: A study on praise and mindsets | 24 June 2015 -- Presented by Trevor Ragan )

    If you're not familiar with Dweck's mindset work then the difference between praising intelligence and praising effort may seem a subtle one. This video explains that how we praise others can have a significant effect on how they react to challenges. (4:51)

    Here's to the crazy ones | 24 June 2015 -- Presented by Richard Dreyfuss )

    This was the first of Apple's 'Think Different' commercials. Some may think we're crazy to try to change the ecosystem of sport in Malaysia. Our own question is "Are we crazy ENOUGH?" (1:01)

    This is hockey: The American development model overview | 17 June 2015 -- Presented by USA Hockey )

    Often when sport development is discussed the idea of 'change' is mentioned without any real thought as to what change means. This video shows what 'change' looks like in one sport. It highlights the thinking behind the changes. If you listen carefully you will sense the courage it took to give up old ideas of development and embrace new ones. (8:43)

    Moonshot thinking | 10 June 2015 -- Presented by Google - Solve for X )

    Google's Solve for X is an ambitious and inspirational project. Take a look at this video and see how it may apply to your own personal projects and goals. (3:46)

    TEDx: The coach's role in creating sport talent | 26 May 2015 -- Presented by Bill Price )

    Bill Price gave this talk about creating talent at the TEDx conference held at the International School in Kuala Lumpur in October 2014. The presentation briefly outlines only some of the components of a sport development system. (18:22)

    We Get Mail! #7 | 13 May 2015 -- Presented by Aisyaidil binti Hanri )

    Aisya tests the pH level of several bottled waters and compares them to filtered tap water. (2:51)

    We Get Mail! #6 | 1 May 2015 -- Presented by USSA Malaysia staffers )

    USSA Malaysia is examining the quality of sport opportunities offered in primary and secondary schools. Please help us by taking a few minutes to complete a survey. The survey was sent to 2014, 2013, and 2012 IDPESC students. (1:40)

    We Get Mail! #5 | 14 April 2015 -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal )

    Mr. Info explains what the term "pending" means in the student portal. (2:52)

    We Get Mail! #4 | 9 April 2015 -- Presented by Aisyaidil binti Hanri )

    Miss Info explains how to verify personal information in the student portal. (5:10)

    We Get Mail! #3 | 30 March 2015 -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal )

    Mr. Info demonstrates how to submit an assignment for the 2014 IDPESC program. (5:15)

    We Get Mail! #2 | 23 March 2015 -- Presented by Aisyaidil binti Hanri )

    Ms. Info employs some sophisticated mathematics to convert time to seconds. This will come in handy when entering endurance run data. (4:59)

    We Get Mail! #1 | 1 March 2015 -- Presented by Aisyaidil binti Hanri and Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal )

    The first episode of We Get Mail! discusses how to build an IC for IPPT test subjects who may not have one, and what to do if a school does not have the required 50 test subjects. (5:58)

    Someplace else | 15 February 2015 -- Presented by USSA Malaysia )

    A video tribute to the instructors, coordinators and staff of the 2014 IDPESC program. (6:53)

    Measuring height and wingspan | 15 February 2015 -- Presented by Bill Price )

    This video explains how to measure height and wingspan as part of the data collection process for the International Physical Performance Test. (2:08)

    Logging into USSA-MY | 02 January 2015 -- Presented by Vishnuu Prakaesh Sivaprakasam )

    This video explains how to login to the USSA-MY website. IDPESC students use their email address as the UserID and the first 7 digits of their NRIC as their initial password. (2:17)

    Saing-saing di pantai timur | 02 January 2015 -- Presented by USSA Malaysia )

    This is one of our favorite videos. It is a recap of the 2013 IDPESC class taught in Terengganu, Malaysia. Instructors were Dr. Brian Pruegger, Shane Nipp, and Bill Price. (8:47)

    1. How to test your one-rep max -- Presented by
    2. Let's Balik Kampung -- Presented by The One Academy
    3. Farah Ann, Puteri Gimnastik Malaysia -- Presented by My Negaraku Malaysia (BM)
    4. PLKN trainee interview with Mr. Vasanthan -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal
    5. PLKN trainee interview with Ms. Tong See Mun -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal
    6. Want smarter, healthier kids? Try physical education! -- Presented by Paul Zientarski
    7. Pandelela Rinong, Atlet Penerjun Negara -- Presented by My Negaraku Malaysia (BM)
    8. PLKN trainee interview with Ms. Nur Shamila binti Abdul Wahab -- Presented by Nik Izzat Hanafi bin Nik Zainal
    9. Muslim women in East London talk about their participation in sport -- Presented by Suzanne Cohen
    10. Saing-saing di pantai timur -- Presented by USSA Malaysia